11 Best Apology Letter to Boyfriend for Hurting His Feelings | Templates and Ideas

So, you have done something unintentionally to hurt the feelings of your boyfriend. And now, you are looking for ways to make it up to him.

How about writing an apology letter to him?

It feels incredible when you have the love of your life as your boyfriend. As you know, not everyone is that lucky!

When you are in a relationship, it is not that things are always good and in your favor. There may be times when things are pretty bad. You may have different opinions about something or have different likes and dislikes. These may lead to arguments between the two of you.

But, you know, every relationship has its share of ups and downs. And if you truly love each other and want to spend the rest of your lives together, you need to sort things out, girl!

And when it is your fault, you have to take the initiative and ask for forgiveness, so that both of you can stay happy, and in peace!

Best Apology Letters to Your Boyfriend

I am here to help you have a happy relationship with the love of your life. And for the same reason, I have come up with some of the best apology letters you can give to your boyfriend. Of course, you can modify them according to the situation you are in. Read on.

After a Fight

After a Fight

When you are angry and having a fight with your boyfriend, the chances are that you use harsh words that could hurt him more than a sword can! Now, do you want to make up with your significant other? Following are some examples of sincere apology letters to send your boyfriend:


My Love,

I think that it is time we bring an end to this cold war going on between us. Let us accept it: we both are at fault. Neither should I have acted so childishly, nor should you have scolded me using those sharp words.

In these days that we are apart from each other, I have come to realize that there should be no place for resentment and anger where there is pure love. And you already know we love and care about each other so much that we cannot go on like this! So, let us forget our fight and make love as always.

I am waiting for your reply, love.

(Your name)


My Dearest (name),

Day by day, our arguments are getting more heated, and we are saying hurtful words to each other. And we both know that. The other day, we just started with “can you please make the bed,” and we ended up cursing our destiny for getting us together. It is not only about that day, as you know, but it has also been happening very often. Babe, I do not think I can let it go on like this anymore.

I want to end this bad habit of fighting with each other and make peace. You know how I love you so much, and whenever I fight with you, I spend sleepless nights thinking about what I should not have said during the argument. I want to say sorry for each and every word that has hurt you. You know I lose my cool quickly but trust me, baby, I am working on my temper. And hopefully, I will be successful. Please talk to me and let us sort things out.

I love you,

(Your name)


My Heart,

It has been a couple of weeks since we fought, and even today, you are not talking to me or looking at me. Do you have any idea how my heart is getting ripped apart by your coldness? Babe, I know, things have been bad lately. We both work, and we come back home tired and stressed. This is making us fight this often. I can understand how the pressure and responsibilities of our work have been affecting our relationship.

But, baby, you know how much I love you, right? I cannot stay without you. I do not want to let these fights come between us. I want to be yours – forever. I am extremely sorry for getting into a fight with you. Please don’t be mad at me. I will try to be more patient, I promise. I want us to be a loving couple once again. Please talk to me!

Forever yours,

(Your name)



I hope you do not tear this letter up before opening and reading it. I know you are mad at me after what happened, and you have every right to be so. I should not have done something so childish and inconsiderate.

But trust me, babe, I regret saying every word of it. I should have understood how my decision could have hurt you. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart, baby. You know how you are everything that I have ever wanted. You are my world. And now that we are not talking, it makes me feel lonely and helpless. Babe, I beg your forgiveness for acting so selfishly. You know, hurting you was never my intention. I still love you to the moon and back. Please come back to me.


(Your name)

Letters for Being Mean

Letters for Being Mean

Have you been unreasonably mean to your significant other lately? Do you regret doing so? Well, it is time for some apology letters. Have a look below!



You know you were so right about me being mean lately. You know I was not like this before. I realized this sudden change when one of my friends pointed out the same thing. I am really sorry, honey, I did not care to listen to you before.

I am not feeling like myself lately. I have been working a lot to make things go my way but failing miserably. You know, you are the shining and the only star of my life. And you do not know, how important you are to me. You are that one person who has always been there for me, guided me, and loved me for the person I am. Also, you are the one to always tell me when I am wrong. Please forget what happened and come back to me.

Yours forever,

(Your name)



You must be thinking what am I up to and what is wrong with me that I behaved that way the other day. To tell you the truth, in the past, people have taken advantage of my naïve nature and I thought that you would do the same. I feared that you would hurt me just the way everyone else has. And because of that, I pushed you away from me by saying those mean words.

But trust me, I regret doing that. I was stupid to think that you are the same as everyone. I am sorry, there was a gap in my trust in you. And for that, I behaved so badly with you. Please forgive me, dear. All this time, you were just being by my side and I misunderstood you. I am really grateful that you are in my life.

I love you.

(Your name)


My Dearest,

You may be surprised to have received this letter, especially after my mean behavior with you over the last couple of months. I realized how I have been treating you in not a good way and that too, unnecessarily. And despite that, you have been putting up with my ridiculous behavior. I have now come to a realization of how much you value me and love me. I am extremely lucky to have someone so patient and loving in my life.

I am sorry, babe, for being such a mean girl and throwing tantrums. It was never my intention to hurt you. But, you know, sometimes things get so tough in my life that my thought process gets shaded by frustration. Honey, I have now realized how important you are to me, and I want you in my life no matter what. I will change my behavior, I promise. Also, I promise that I will love you the way, such an amazing person like you has the right to be loved. Please accept my apology.

Yours forever,

(Your name)


Dear (name)

I was not my true self last night. And you must be mad at me for what I said. I couldn’t control my temper, and I am extremely sorry for that. You know how I love you so much. I never meant those harsh words that came out of my mouth. I want to keep you in my heart, and I will do anything that I need to do in order to have you so. I will never do anything to let you down and push you away, my only love. You are that one person that I love more than anyone and anything in this whole wide world.

Please accept my apology, my dearest. Please don’t be angry with me anymore. Your silence is something that I cannot bear. You are my sunshine, you are my moon, and I won’t let you go so soon. See, I have become quite a poet loving you! And guess what? I have made your favorite dessert for dinner. So, come back to me. I will be waiting for you, babe.

I love you,

(Your name)


My love,

I wish I could travel back in time and stop myself from behaving so rude at your friend’s party. I don’t know what happened to me that night, why I was blabbering so much and made all those mean comments. And top of that, I told you to shut up. I am SO sorry, babe. I regret doing so. I had no intention to be rude to you and make you feel humiliated in front of your friends. I don’t know how things turned out to be like that. Now, when I think of it, I feel so embarrassed because of doing so.

To be practical, nothing can be changed now, no matter how deliberately I wish I could make things right. All I can do is ask for your forgiveness. Please accept my sincere apologies, honey. I promise I will never ever repeat this shameful mistake.

Your rude girlfriend,

(Your name)


My cutie pie,

I know you hate me for all the rude comments I made last night at your family party. And for that, I do not have the courage to face you anymore. That is why I am taking the help of this letter to make things right. I am REALLY sorry and regretful for the comments that I should not have made in the first place. I had too much drink, and I was out of my senses. I did not mean a single word that I said. You are everything that I ever wanted, and I never want to hurt your feelings.

But I know that you are disappointed with my ill manners and for creating a scene last night. And I am truly ashamed of that. Babe, I understood my mistake, and I really want to make it up to you. But please, don’t stay mad at me. I want to see your happy face and happy us. I promise I will never be so irresponsible and stupid ever again in my life. Please talk to me and love me.

Your irresponsible and stupid girlfriend,

(Your name)


The love of my life,

I know you must be unhappy with me and my doings last week because of which you are not even talking to me. But, trust me, my intention was never to hurt you. You know I am extremely impulsive, and I keep talking and venting out my anger until I feel the need to stop. And at that time, I can be very mean without thinking about the feelings of the other person. And, of course, the consequences. And that is exactly what happened last week.

You have always been there for me. You know I boast about you to my family and friends about how caring and loving you are. You take care of me so well. I know I can never get any better partner than you in my life. I love you so much. But despite all these, I lost my cool and ended up saying a lot of mean things to you that I never meant to. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Please accept my apology, come back to me, and take me in your arms. I miss you, baby.

Your mean girlfriend,

(Your name)


If you make a mistake again in your relationship, instead of sending an apology letter to your boyfriend, try facing him and talking to him in person. This way, you will be able to sort things out in a much quicker and happier way. All the best!

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