49 Names That Mean Misfortune: Unveiling Unique Names With Mysterious Vibes

Being a parent can be challenging, especially if you are a mommy. You become responsible for a little life from the moment you become pregnant.

You carry them in your belly for nine long months and give them birth through a painful process.

But your responsibility doesn’t become any less. It increases.

And among all the things you need to do for your newborn baby, giving them a fitting name is very important.

Not all parents have the same criteria for naming their babies. While some look for popular names, and some for unique names, others look for names with a specific meaning, and this list of requirements can go on and on.

The demand for names with mysterious meanings has always been high, as people are attracted to the unknown. And some parents want to give their kids a name that means misfortune, mystery, evil, and more.

If you’re looking for names that mean misfortune, stay glued.

Names That Mean Misfortune

Names That Mean Misfortune

If you are looking for a name that means misfortune or evil, it doesn’t mean you want your little one to have bad luck.

You just want them to evolve and be a better person while experiencing the pain and suffering that life has in store for them.

I have made a few sections to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. Depending on your requirement, you can jump straight to girl’s, boy’s, or gender-neutral names.

Girl Names That Mean Misfortune

Girl Names That Mean Misfortune

Have you given birth to a beautiful daughter and want to give her the best possible name? Do you want to go for the names that mean misfortune?

I’m here to help!

The following are some of the most sought-after names for your little sunshine.

  • AITE

We all know that Greek gods are the epitome of good looks. But did you know that they have some unique and gorgeous names?

Aite is one such name with Greek roots. It is uncommon and has a sense of mystery attached to it.

According to Greek mythology, Aite is the goddess of ruin, misfortune, delusion, and mischief.


Hebrew names have a certain old-school vibe that I like. And Ahlai is one such name.

With its origin in Hebrew, this name means beseeching or a sorrowful experience.

If you like cute names, you can give this name a shot.


Irish names are somewhat posh. At least, I get that vibe.

The name Bronagh has Irish roots. It is a rare name that isn’t used much outside Irish-speaking countries.

It can be a great name for your little one if you want to honor your Irish heritage. It holds the meaning of sorrow.


Brona is a short and sweet name. It originates in the Irish language and comes with the meaning of sadness.

Have you watched the popular show Penny Dreadful?

Then you might already be aware of this old-school name that is back to being popular in Ireland.


Cearo is a name that has its roots in Anglo-Saxon origin.

It sounds like the name of some bold girl. It holds the meaning of sorrow.


Are you into literature? Have you read the famous play Othello written by Willian Shakespeare?

In that, Desdemona is the heroine who elopes with the main character Othello.

With its origin in Greek, this beautiful yet dark name means ill-fated.


If you like names connected to mythology, Deirdre is the name for you.

According to Irish mythology, Deirdre is the name of a beautiful Irish girl who was taken care of by Conchobar, as he wanted to marry her. But she eloped with Naoise.

This name originated in Gaelic and Irish languages and translates to the sad one or sorrowful.

And did I tell you that people call her “Deirdre of the Sorrows?”


Spain is a scenic and beautiful country, and so are its people.

And Dolores is a name that has Spanish roots. No matter how soothing this name sounds, the word Dolores means sorrow.


Dores is a short name with a cute pronunciation. Rooted in the Spanish language, it translates to a lady of sorrows.

Also, some say that it means pain and suffering.


Are you into Greek mythology?

If so, the chances are that you are aware of the name Hecate. She was the goddess of witchcraft, magic, necromancy, ghosts, and the moon. Her parents are Asteria and Titanes Perses.

And when it comes to meaning, Hecate translates tonot a good omen.”


You might have heard the name Isabella, but have you heard about the name Isolabella?

It’s a melodious-sounding and unique name that can suit your pretty little daughter well. It has its roots in the Gothic language and holds the meaning of the beautiful lonely one.


I love things that are related to history. And as Egypt is a country of pyramids, it has always been on my travel bucket list.

The name Keket has its roots in the language of Egypt.

According to Egyptian mythology, Keket is the goddess of darkness. Her husband was Kek.


The name Lilith is evil. It sounds like the name of some mysterious woman.

It holds the meaning of a night monster or ghost. Giving this name to your baby girl means it can lead her to experience misfortune.

  • LOLA

Lola is a melodic, fresh, and trendy name that can also work great as a nickname. It has its roots in the Spanish language.

Contrary to how happy this name sounds, it means lady of sorrows.


Malvolia is a name with its roots in the romantic Italian language. The lyrical tone of this name makes it sound super awesome.

If you are fond of musical names, you can give this name to your baby girl. It holds the meaning of ill-will.

  • MARA

If you like short names with gloomy meanings, Mara is the name for you.

It’s unique and sounds quite straightforward to me.

This four-letter word has its roots in Hebrew origin and means sorrow and bitter.


This traditional name has always been popular since it came into existence. It has multiple roots.

While some say it has French roots, others believe it originated in Anglo-Norman culture.

It sounds elegant with a mysterious undertone. Mallory holds the meaning of ill-fate or unfortunate. It is one of the most vintage names and means unlucky.


It’s a rare name that few people in the USA carry.

With its origin in the Basque language, this name has an evil tone to it. It holds the meaning of sorrow.


The name Nerezza sounds like a variant of pizza to me! Jokes apart, this name has its origin in the romantic Italian language.

Although it doesn’t sound bad, it means blackness or darkness.


No matter how black or dark the color of the bird raven is, it stands for intelligence, transformation, insight, and prophecy.

But many people consider it a bad omen or a symbol of misfortune.

The name Raven sounds sharp, with its roots in the Old English language.


Tristana is a stylish name that has multiple origins. While some say it has roots in the Celtic language, some say it has roots in the Spanish language, and others say it belongs to the Welsh language.

No matter the origin, all have similar meanings-misfortune, sorrow, and tumult.


I have a liking for names that start with the letter “Z.” I find them to be very sexy.

Zilla is one such name that originated in the Hebrew language. It sounds posh and holds the meaning of gloom and shadow.

Boy Names That Mean Misfortune

Boy Names That Mean Misfortune

Are you blessed with a baby boy? Do you want to give him a name that sounds mysterious and comes with the meaning of misfortune?

Great! The following is a long list of names with dark meanings filled with mystery.

Read on.


Acheron is a name of Latin origin. It sounds like the name from a fantasy movie.

According to mythology, Acheron was the God of “the underworld river and lake of pain.” The newly dead people had to cross it.

It translates to the river of sorrow.


This name is a bit long but can be perfect for your little boy if you are looking for rare and unique names.

It has its roots in the English language and holds the meaning of abyss or destruction.


Are you into Biblical names or names with at least some connection with the Bible?

Aharhel is the name for you. It sounds classy and has an old-school vibe to it. It has its roots in the Hebrew language.

Aharhel translates to the last sorrow.

  • AJAL

Arabic names have a special place in my heart, which is why I have given an Arabic name to my daughter.

And the name Ajal has Arabic roots. It means the hour of death or the dying hour. You can relate it to destiny, fate, and similar things.


Are you from Ireland? Or do you want to honor someone in your family with Irish roots by giving your son an Irish name?

How about the name Brone?

It is a short name of Irish origin and means “sorrowful” or sadness.


This name, again, has its roots in the Irish language. You can hear this name in Ireland, but in the USA, it’s a rare name.

It holds the meaning of sadness, sorrow, or raven.


Have you heard the classic name Benjamin?

The name Benoni is taken from it. With its roots in the Hebrew language, it sounds like the name of someone full of sorrow.

Benoni holds the meaning of “son of my sorrow.”


The name Bedad has Hebrew roots. It sounds like the name of someone lonely and unfortunate.

It holds the meaning of alone and solitary. If you want your son to walk alone and achieve success through hard work, Bedad can be a good name for him.


Cessair is a rare name in the USA. But it is a name that is carried by a lot of people in Ireland.

Cessair has Irish roots. It holds the meaning of affliction and sorrow. Go for it if you like the overall vibe of this name.


Drystan has a sexy vibe to it. It can be a good name for your handsome son if you want his name to match his looks.

This name has Welsh roots and translates to tumult, sad, and sorrowful.


This name reminded me of the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock. As you can see, it has similarities with the work of Dickory!

Originating in the French language, the name Diggory holds the meaning of the lost one.

Choose this name for your son if you want him to reach his goal in life one day, no matter how lost he feels.


Devlin has a musical vibe to it. It sounds like the name of some musical instrument. I like the soothing vibe it comes with.

With its roots in Irish origin, it means someone unlucky.


Are you into unique names that are less used in the USA? How about the name Devland for your little kiddo?

It is a rare name in the USA and worldwide. Of course, there are people in Ireland with this name.

Give this name to your son if you don’t want them to share their name with any other kid in school.

Originating in the Irish language, Devland translates to misfortune.


Do you like names that have at least some connection to the mythology?

Erebus is one such name. With its Greek roots, it holds the meaning of darkness.

Did I tell you that Erebus was the God of darkness, according to Greek mythology?


Most Irish names have a story to tell. And they sound like names from a fairyland.

The name Fogarty, too, gives that vibe. It sounds classy with its roots in the Irish language. It holds the meaning of “exiled.”

If you like this name but want a variation, you can go for Fogartaigh.


Gavroche is a name with its roots in the French language.

Have you read the famous novel Les Miserables written by Victor Hugo?

Gavroche was a character in it. It holds the meaning of a naughty child or street urchin.


Gorgon is an ancient Greek name that is little in use today. It can be a good choice if you want your son to have a unique name.

According to Greek mythology, Gorgon is a creature. Medusa was one of the gorgons who had snakes on her head instead of hair.

The word Gorgon is taken from the word Gorgos. It holds the meaning of dreadful or grim.


Iniko is a cute name for your little boy. It sounds like the name of a delicate and calm guy.

Originating in the Nigerian language, Iniko means “time of trouble.”

You can give this name to your baby boy if you want him to be successful in life, no matter how difficult of a time he has to go through.

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Misfortune

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Misfortune

We have transcended the boundaries of gender, and parents have become more liberal.

If you are one of those modern parents who want to name their kids with a name that doesn’t specify any gender, you can come to the right place.

The following is a list of some of the most mysterious and dark unisex names.

Scroll down to know more.


I find the French accent to be sexy. And the name Corentine is no exception to it.

Originating in the French language, it sounds old-school and has a posh vibe to it. Corentine holds the meaning of a violent storm or hurricane.


Have you watched the Japanese anime named Soul Eater?

In that, there is a character named Crona Gorgon, who is popularly known as the Demon Sword.

Crona holds the meaning of the dark one. With its origin in the Japanese language, this name is a variation of Kurona.

It’s a name mostly used in Japan.


The name Ephai has its roots in the Hebrew language. It sounds like the name of someone who has a lot to tell but says nothing.

It translates to gloomy. You can shortlist this name if you are looking for a name that means unfortunate.


If you are into unusual and rare names with dark and gloomy meanings, Grimoire is the name for you.

It originated in the French and Latin languages and sounds Gothic to me. It translates to “Book of Spells and Invocations.”

It is a name that hasn’t been carried by anyone in the USA in the last one hundred years!

  • JELA

I have noticed one thing about African names. They all have a kind of earthy vibe to them. And the African name Jela is no exception to it.

It is unique and can work great as a nickname too.

It holds the meaning of “father who suffered during birth.”


It’s a rather complex name. And some parents like this kind of name. If you are one of them, consider this name an option.

It has its roots in the Native American culture. It is a traditional name that holds the meaning of evil.


Perdido is a name with multiple roots. While some say that it originated in the Portuguese language, others believe it originated in the Spanish language.

No matter their origin, both of them have a similar kind of meaning.

Perdido translates to lost.

  • RUE

Are you into short and simple names? How about the name Rue?

It is short and sounds super cool for you, a Gen Z girl or boy. Also, if you give them a long name with the letter R, you can choose Rue as their nickname.

It holds the meaning of regret.


The name Umbra sounds like an umbrella to me!

No, I’m not saying anything negative about it. It’s just the vibe that I got from this name.

It has roots in the Greek and English origins. And it holds the meaning of darkness or shadow.


Zeroing in on a name with the right vibe, spelling, and meaning that fits your baby the best is a challenging task.

Things become tougher when you look for names that mean misfortune, evil, or similar.

But I have gone the extra mile for you so that you can get your hands on the best names.

So, did you like my list of names? Which ones did you shortlist?

Let me know in the comments!

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