54 Names That Mean Healer For Your Baby Boy And Girl

One of the biggest, most important, and most special decisions every parent to be can ever make as they await the arrival of their precious blessing is choosing the right name for their little one. Every mom and dad longs to find a name that is beautiful, memorable, and meaningful.

What better way to give your bundle of joy a name he or she will carry for the rest of their life with pride and awe than to gift them with a name that means healer. Healing is an admirable and amazing quality to embrace and embody. Names that mean healer are brimming with positivity, spirituality, and hope, and are among the loveliest, most meaningful names you can consider for your baby boy or girl.

Names that mean healer are unique, lovely, and overflowing with meaning. Let these names inspire you into choosing the perfect name for your little one.

54 Names That Mean Healer

If you’re looking for names that mean healer for your baby boy or girl, look no further! We’ve compiled a list of the most charming, lovely, and meaningful healer baby names.



Before Jason emerged as one of the more popular baby boy names in the current landscape, there was the name Aeson. Aeson is a variation of Jason, and it is a name that has commanded and dominated warriors’ minds and hearts. The name Aeson carries the meaning of “healer”.


Alaunus is an uncommon, powerful name that is of Greek origin. It is said to be the name of the Gaulish God of prophecy, the sun, and healing, and it is a name that is associated to the Greek God Apollo. Alaunus means “brightness” or “light”.


Apollo is a name that connotes power and strength. It is a name that has roots in Greek mythology, and while it has been around for a long time, this name remains hip and fresh. Apollo is the name of the Greco-Roman God of music, sun, light, and healing. It is a beloved name and would make for a good choice of name that means healer.


A good choice for name that means healer that is very uncommon and memorable is the name Arpachshad. This name of Hebrew origins means “healer”, “helper”, or “releaser”. Arpachshad is the name one of Shem’s children. Shem is Noah’s eldest son. A more current variation is the name “Arphaxad”.

  • ASA

Asa may be a name with only three letters, but it has a powerful meaning. The name is of Biblical roots. Asa means “expert”, “healer”, “doctor”, or “one born in the morning sun.” It is a unisex name and makes for a great name that means healer for your baby boy, with a dash of cool!

  • ABEL

If you are into cool names, you can go for Abel. It has its origin in the Hebrew language. Some other variations of this biblical name are Abele and Hevel. You can find it on the list of the most popular names in the U.S. It means exhilaration and a breath of life.


This name falls on a bit of a complicated side. It is an uncommon name with a fierce and regal vibe to it. If you want your boy to bear similar characteristics, you can give him this name. It has its origin in both Greek and Latin languages. You can opt for its other variant Asklepios too. It holds the meaning of “to cut open.”


Borvo is a refreshing yet strong name for your baby boy. It has its roots in the Celtic language. You can find many people with this name in France, but when it comes to other countries in the world, it is rare to find people with this name. It carries the meaning of a hot spring and a warm source.


Bliant is a name that means healer, coming straight out of Arthurian mythology! In Arthurian legend, this is the name of Selivant’s brother. He fought Lancelot but ultimately he was defeated. Bliant’s meaning is “healer”, and it is another unisex name that would make for a solid healer name choice for your little boy.


A distinctive and poetic name that means healer that you can consider for your baby boy is Chiron. The name is melodious and romantic; after all, it comes straight out of ancient mythology during the era of Shakespeare! Chiron is the name of a centaur that is known for its healing capabilities and great knowledge.


Daktari is an exotic name that sounds wholesome and is not that common. It has its roots in African culture. It holds the meaning of a healer or doctor. You can find people with this name mostly in Kenya, Tanzania, and India.


Errapel is a very popular name in Israel, and is very unique and rare elsewhere. This intricate name is Hebrew in origin, and has an exquisite meaning as well. Errapel carries the meaning of “divine healer”.


A name that means healer that is quite the head turner is the name Eshmun. It is a very uncommon name that is rarely used, and this distinctive moniker is actually shared by the Phoenician god of healing.


Galen is a name that brings an effortless cool with it. The name means “healer” or “calm”. It is the name of a physician from the second century who is said to have developed what is now the basis of medicine. This is one very strong choice for name that means healer for your baby boy.

  • Another uncommon name that means healer is Grannus. This name is said to be the name of a Gaulish God who is associated with the cooling, healing spring located within the city of Granum.
  • HEKA

Heka may be a short name, but it has a godly, royal connotation and a strong meaning as well. It is derived from the God Heka, who was an ancient Egyptian god associated to health, wellness, and healing. It’s a charming name that means healer that you can give your little one.


Helem is a name with Israeli roots. It is an Israeli word that carries the lovely meaning of “to dream” or “to heal”. It has become rarer as the years go by, and would be a good, unique name to give your baby.


The name Iason is said to be the root word wherein the more common Jason has been derived. This name stems from two words: “iȃsthai”, that means “heal” or “treat”; or “iȃtrikós”,that means “healing”. It’s a more unique variation of a traditional name that would make for a good name that means healer for your newborn.


Another variation of Jason that is a good name that means healer is the name Jaison. The name Jaison can be found in Greek mythology, where it is the name of the leader of Argonauts, who ventured out to search for the Golden Fleece. Jaison means “healing”.

  • JAYR

The name Jayr may sound very current and trendy, but in actuality, this name has been around in the United States since the colonies were founded, brought by the Puritans! It may be an old name, but it sounds hip and of the times, and it means “healer”. It is a great, cool-sounding name that has withstood the test of time.


Josiah is a name that has a lot of old fashioned charm and a gentlemanly air about it. It is a name of Biblical roots, and this Hebrew name carries the meaning of “Jehovah heals”. This is an excellent choice for name that means healer, with a beautiful meaning. A few equally charming variations are “Joziah” and “Josias”.

  • KEN

Ken may seem like a very American name because of its associations to the popular doll of the same name, as well as its consistent popularity. But this name is actually of various origins, one of which is Japan, wherein the name Ken carries the meaning of “a healthy and strong boy”. It is a short, hip, multi-cultural name that means healer.

  • LEE

Lee is another name that sounds very hip and trendy but actually goes way back. This name is said to be derived from “Leah”, an old English word that means “clearing”. In Celtic, however, Lee carries with it the meaning of “healer”. It is a short name that packs a lot of appeal and is a sound choice for your baby boy.


If you’re on the hunt for a name that means healer that is unique and makes a lasting impression? The name Lenus would be a good choice. It is a name that is regal and has an old fashioned appeal. Lenus is related to the Celtic God of healing.


A name that means healer that is uncommon and rolls beautifully off the tongue is the name Maponus. This is said to be the name of a Gaulish deity who is associated with the waters in what they say is a healing spring. This name is also related to song, beauty, verses, and poetry.


If a rare and unforgettable name that means healer is something that you are looking for, then the name Melchi-Sua may be a great option. It is a name of Israeli origins, and is said to mean “magnificent king” or “the king of health”.


Ninazu is a name that beautifully combines a love for mythology and a love for names that mean healer. In Sumerian religion, Ninazu means god of healing. It is also said that in mythology this is the name of the god of healing and the underworld.


A wonderful choice for name that means healer is the name Rafael, a strong and beautiful name with an equally lovely meaning. It is the name of the Archangel Rafael, who is known as the healing angel. This Hebrew and Israeli name carries with it the magnificent meaning of “God has healed” or “God’s healer”, and is a fantastic name to give your little blessing.

  • WONG

A name that means healer that is short, sweet, and strong is the name Wong. This is a name of Chinese origins, and it is said to be the main name of the Chinese God bearing the power of healing.


  • AALA

Aala may only have four letters, but it is a name that is full of intensity and strength. The name Aala carries with it the meaning of “she who hunts and heals” or “a person who chases and heals”, and is a strong name that means healer that you can give to your baby girl.


A name that means healer that has mythological roots and is very unique is the name Aceso. Aces is the name of the goddess of sickness and recuperating, and is a rare and memorable name associated to healer that you can consider for your newborn.


The name Airmed is a name with Irish roots. Airmed stems from Irish mythology, wherein a woman with that name, said to be among the Tuatha de Danaan, was well known for her power to heal people who have been injured in battle. It is said in folklore that from her tears sprouted healing herbs that would heal the body of those who were injured.


Althea is an enchanting, ethereal name that is of Greek origins. This mesmerizing name is found in Greek mythology and in pastoral poetry, and carries the meaning of “healing power”. Althea is a beautiful choice of name that means healer for your little one. A few equally lovely variations of the name are “Altheta”, “Altheda”, and “Althia”.


A name that means healer that mesmerizes and captivates is the name Amethyst. The name is derived from the purple stained gem that has been used in enchantment and healing from the beginnings of time. It is the birthstone for February, and would be a good choice of healer name for babies born this month, or any month of the year.

  • BONA

Bona may only have four letters, but this name is overflowing with beauty and meaning. This is the main name or first name of the Roman goddess of healing, virginity, and ripeness. It is distinct as one of the strongest options for names rooted in mythology, and makes for a good name that means healer as well.


Another name that means healer that is regal and rooted in mythology is the name Brighid. This elegant name is shared by the goddess of healing, fire, verse, and intelligence. The name Brighid means “strength and power”.


A fancy, luxurious sounding name that means healer that you can consider for your little princess is the name Cannenta. It is a very ladylike and feminine name of Latin origin, and it carries the meaning of “healer”.

  • EIR

Looking for a name that is short but packs a gorgeous, goddess-like punch? The name Eir is a light, airy, sweet name that is beautiful and multi-cultural. It is said to be the name of the Norse goddess who embodies mercy, help, and healing. Eir is a delightful name that means healer that you can consider for your baby.


Eirny is a name that is said to be relatively new but is promising in its loveliness. It is a name of Scandinavian roots, and it carries with it the meaning of “new healing”, which makes it a name that means healer that is infused with the hope of fresh beginnings.

  • EMMA

A charming and timelessly chic name that means healer that is beloved all across the globe is the stunning name Emma. It is beloved worldwide, and because of its widespread appeal and favor is attached to many meanings, most of which are “complete” or “whole”. But in Teutonic, this graceful name means “healer of the universe”, which makes it a stylish, magnificent name to consider for your little one.


One of the most appealing and lovely mythological names is Febris. It is a name with Roman roots, and is an ancient mythological monicker that translates literally to “fever”. In Ancient Rome, it was believed that when someone catches fever or malaria, the goddess whose name was Febris was known to be able to cure them.


Galena is a name that has actually not been seen much in circulation for more than a couple of decades. It is the female variation of the name “Galen”. This very rare name means “healer” or “quiet”. It is said to also be the name of a certain type of lead.

  • GRO

If you’re fancying a name with only three letters but makes a mark and leaves an impression, then the name Gro would be a good choice. This name that means healer is of Danish origin, and it means “to develop”, “to grow”, or “to heal”. It’s an uncommon name that isn’t mainstream but will definitely be memorable.


If an intricate name that is delicate in its complexity is more to your liking, then the name Ianuaria would be a pretty option for name that means healer. This very unique name is the name of a Celtic goddess who is associated to healing.

  • IASO

Another name that is beautifully delicate and certainly rare is the name Iaso. It is a lovely ladylike and melodious name that means healer. Iaso is said to be the name of for goddess of healings, cures, and remedies.


Leigh is a name brimming with a charm that is timeless. It is a very pretty and beloved name that enchants in its simple beauty. This name has a multitude of meanings, and one of those meanings is “healer” in Celtic. A quaint, lovely variation of this name that means healer is “Leigha”.


Another name that means healer that is full of fancy and frills is the delightful Meditrina. This name is of mythological origin, and is said to be the name of the Roman goddess of healing. It is said that the goddess Meditrina is empowered with the charm and ability to restore health and well-being when weariness, exhaustion, winter, or summer comes on.


A name that is melodious and distinct is the ladylike and regal sounding Panacaea. Panacaea is said to be the name of Asclepius’ little girl and Hygieia’s sister. She was the goddess of healing, and she used curative medicine to heal. Panacaea used an enchantment concoction to heal and keep diseases and illnesses at bay. Panacaea means “remedy for all illnesses”.


A chic, stylish, utterly ladylike and charming name that means healer is the name Rafaela. It is a name that brings to mind visions of a woman with flowing locks and dark eyes, and this intoxicatingly mesmerizing name has the equally magnificent meaning of “God has healed”.


Reseda is a name that means healer with an enchantingly mysterious air about it. The name is Latin American in origin, and it carries the meaning of “healing” or “healer”. It is also the name of San Francisco Valley town.


If you are on the lookout for a name that means healer that is very rare and with a regal, powerful meaning attached to it, then Sekhmet is a strong choice. This is the name of the Egyptian Goddess of Medicine and Healing, and is a one of a kind name you can give your baby girl.


A name that means healer that is among the rarer mythological names is the distinct, lovely Shaushka. In Hittite mythology, Shaushka was said to be the name of the goddess of fertility, war, and healing, and the name, though uncommon, stands the test of time.


A name that rolls sweetly off the tongue and is very beguiling is Sirona. This name that means healer is said to belong to the Celtic goddess of healing. They say that Sirona’s likeness appears in the carvings found near the German sulfur springs, and that even Sirona’s temples stand nearby the healing wells and thermal springs.


Zywie is a whimsical name that is mesmerizing in its loveliness. This unique name that means healer is said to be the name in Slavic mythology of the goddess of healing and health. It is a very pretty name associated to healer that you can choose for your little one.


These names that mean healer bring beauty and positivity. They are very uplifting and incredibly inspired choices you can consider as you search for that perfect name for your little blessing. A baby with a strong, powerful name that means healer will definitely bring light, love, and hope into the world.

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