50 Names That Mean Peace: Embrace Harmony With These Meaningful Names

Are you expecting a baby?


The moment when you get to know that you are going to be parents, you are filled with joy and happiness. And won’t you be? After all, you are going to bring life to this world. And that is something you should celebrate.

But, you know, with joy comes responsibility. You become responsible for this little life the moment it is formed. And once they are born, your responsibilities increase.

You need to feed them, change their diapers, clean them, and take care of them. And apart from all these responsibilities, the other thing you need to take care of is a name for them.

Yes, you need to select a beautiful name for your little one.

When it comes to naming your child, not all parents have the same requirement. While some look for names with a specific meaning, some want names that start with a specific letter, and so on.

Now, the names that mean peace are always in demand. If you are one of those parents who are looking for the same, this article is for you.

Names That Mean Peace

Names That Mean Peace

Whenever I look at a baby, my face lightens up with a broad smile. I don’t know what it is, but there is something about those innocent faces which somehow gives me calm and peace.

I remember the time when I held my baby for the first time. There were tears of happiness in my eyes, yet there was so much peace in my heart. I can’t describe in words how much I felt at ease.

I think this is the same with all the parents. Looking at their babies fills their hearts with peace.

How about you carry this feeling forward and give a name to your baby that means peace?

And that is why we are here. I have made different sections for boys and girls so that you can jump right to what you are looking for.

Boy Names That Mean Peace

Boy Names That Mean Peace

They say a kid’s personality resembles their name. If you believe so, and if you want your kid to become peaceful and calm when they grow up, you can choose a name from this section.

Here I have made a list of the most awesome names you can get your hands on. And all of them mean peace or something similar.

  • AANG

Have you watched “Avatar the Last Airbender?”

If your answer is yes, you might already know that the main protagonist carries the name Aang.

With its roots in the Chinese language, this name holds the meaning of a peaceful soaring.

  • AARU

There is something earthy about Egyptian names. Well, at least to me. And one such name is Aaru.

This is a short name that is easy to remember as well as pronounce, and it means “peaceful.”

  • AXEL

When you look for names, you come across so many names with the same meaning from different origins. And you might have an origin preference too.

So, if you like names of Scandinavian origin, you can choose to go with the name Axel.

This name has a modern vibe to it that seems perfect for Gen Z boys.


Many of us have religious roots that we want to pass on to our kids. If you believe in Christianity and want to give your kid a name that is mentioned in the holy book of the Bible, Absalom is the name for you.

Also, there is a famous satire named Absalom and Achitophel written by John Dryden.

This name sounds like the name of a handsome man who has rooted values. It holds the meaning of “My Father is peace.”


Many parents look for names that are uncommon so that their kids don’t have to share them with other kids in the class.

If you are looking for the same, you can choose the name Bohumir for your little one. Originating in the Czech culture, it has a classy vibe to it.

It translates to a peaceful world.


Turkey is famous for Baklava – a special kind of sweets. But did you know that many parents prefer Turkish names?

Baris is one such name with Turkish roots. It has the meaning of peace.


If unique names are what you are looking for, how about the name Colvyr?

I believe if you give this name to your boy, he will be the only one with this name in his entire school. And no one will forget his name once they hear it, all thanks to its uniqueness.

  • COLM

Did you know that the bird is the symbol of peace?

And the name Colm means just that – Dove.

With its roots in the Irish language, this can be the perfect name for your little kiddo.


When you look at the smiling face of your baby, your heart and mind are filled with calmness and peace. How about you preserve this feeling for your last breath?

Give your little boy the name Casimir as it means the bringer of peace. It has its roots in the Polish language.


This name, again, has the meaning of Dove, the symbol of peace.

It has its origin in the Scottish Gaelic culture. If you are someone who likes exotic charm, you can give your baby boy this name.


The name Frederick has such a vintage charm that you can’t ignore it. It sounds like the name of some high-class gentleman.

With its roots in the German language, this name has been preferred by parents since the old days. It holds the meaning of a peaceful ruler.


Greek gods are known for their handsomeness. But did you know that Greek names are quite popular too?

The name Galen has its roots in the Greek language. It oozes charm that is hard to ignore. It holds the meaning of calm, a characteristic of a peace-loving person.


Heddwyn sounds sweet to my ears. It has its roots in the Welsh language.

If you like names that have a pretty ring to them apart from having a great meaning, you can go for the name Heddwyn.

It comes with the meaning of fair peace.


Egypt is known for its pyramids. But its names are quite loved by parents all over the world too. They have a vintage charm that many find attractive.

Imhotep is such a name for your baby boy. It is unique, and it has that old-school charm. It holds the meaning of “he comes in peace.”

  • JEFF

This name has its roots in the English language. If you are looking for English names for your baby boy, then Jeff is an option. It sounds very modern.

It means the God of peace.


When I first heard this name, I thought it had Japanese roots, but surprisingly, it has English origin.

It has a royal vibe that many parents would want in the name of their sons. And its meaning is something similar to it, a royal peace settlement.

Such a stately name, isn’t it?

  • LUAM

The name Luam originated in the African language. If you liked the name Liam but wanted a variation of it that is less used, Luam is the name for you.

It holds the meaning of calm and peaceful.


I find German men to be quite hot. And the same can be said for German names too.

Manfred is one such name with German roots. It has a manly vibe and sounds like some muscular man’s name. It holds the meaning of a man of peace.

  • NOAH

I like Hebrew names, as they have a vintage charm to them. And I like everything vintage.

The name Noah has its roots in the Hebrew language.

You might have already heard this name. This is a popular name carried by men all over the world. And not to mention the superhit movie Noah where he builds an ark.

This name has a biblical connection too. It holds the meaning of peaceful rest.


Have you watched the very popular Netflix series Never Have I Ever?

In the series, the super-hot crush of the female lead, Devi, is named Paxton. This series has made this name famous already. So, if you want to give your son a demanding and popular name, Paxton is the name for you.

With its roots in the Latin language, it holds the meaning of “a peace town” or “a peaceful settlement.”

Girl Names That Mean Peace

Girl Names That Mean Peace

Girls are a delicate gift of god that parents always want to protect.

You want them to be peaceful in nature, someone who is loved and adored by everybody.

This section has names that mean peace for your baby girl.


The name Alafia has a melodious tone. This makes it a good option for parents who like lyrical names.

With its origin in the Nigerian language, this name holds the meaning of peace.


Akudo is a name with Nigerian roots. But I don’t know why it sounds like a Japanese name to me.

It has a strong vibe to it, which makes it a good name for kids.

Akudo translates to peaceful wealth.


I know an Indian YouTuber with this name who has a huge following. The name sounds very calm and serene to me. Also, you can’t ignore the lyrical tone it has.

It has its roots in the Gaelic culture and comes with the meaning of serenity.

  • DOVE

You already know Dove is the symbol of peace, right?

This is a beautiful white bird that can attract you with its beauty. It has its roots in the American language.


If you are into names that sound feminine and gentle, you can go for the name Evania for your little princess.

This melodious name has its roots in Greek as well as Spanish cultures. It holds the meaning of peace.

  • ERIN

The name Erin sounds like the name of a high-class woman. It has a certain classy vibe attached to it.

It originated in Ireland and carries the meaning of peace.


If you are into names that have a vintage vibe to them, how about the name Frederica?

It is the female version of the name Frederick that has Greek roots. It holds the meaning of a peaceful ruler.


This is an old-school name that is perfect for your peace-loving girl.

It is easy to pronounce, and to me, it sounded like the name of a romantic girl who is into literature.

Freida has Old German roots and holds the meaning of joy and peace.


Wouldn’t it be great if the name your little one has no one else carries in her entire school?

Galene is such a unique name that you can choose for your baby girl.

It has its roots in the Greek language and holds the meaning of calm.

  • INGA

If you are into Norse mythology, you may know that Ing is the name of their God of peace. And Inga is someone who is guarded by Ing.

Now, do you want your baby girl to be guarded by God to maintain her peaceful nature?

Inga is the name for you.


Jemima has its roots in the Hebrew language. It has a musical and calming vibe to it, which I like.

It means dove. And the dove is the symbol of peace.

A famous personality with this name is the French actress Jemima West.

  • KAZU

This is such a cute name, isn’t it?

It sounds like the name of someone sweet and bubbly. If you are looking for a similar vibe in your girl’s name, Kazu can be a good option.

Originating in the Japanese language, Kazu translates to peace and harmony.

  • LANA

It is a straightforward name with a modern twist to it. I like the overall vibe this name has.

With Hawaiian roots, Lana translates to calm as still waters. Go for it if you want your daughter to be cool and calm.


Mirembe is a unique name with its roots in the Ugandan language.

This name gives an authoritative vibe. It means a woman of peace.


If uncommon names are what you are looking for, Paccia can be the one.

It is not much used and has a pacifying vibe to be, which is a characteristic of a peace-loving woman.

With its roots in the Latin language, Paccia translates to peace.


You might have already understood from the ring of this name that it has Egyptian roots.

This name is more of a complicated one which is great for parents looking for the same. You may find not many girls in the USA carrying this name, as it’s very rare.

It holds the meaning of “peaceful.”


This name is made popular by none other than the very gorgeous actress Salma Hayek. She is such a beauty with grace.

If you want your daughter to grow up someone graceful and elegant, you can choose the name Salma for her.

It has Egyptian roots and holds the meaning of “she who brings peace.”


The name Tullia has its roots in the Irish language. It is rarely used when it comes to names in the USA.

This can be an option for you if you are looking for a name that is musical, charming, and not much used.

It translates to “peaceful.”


Winifred is a name with roots in the Welsh language. If you want your baby girl to be blessed throughout her life, you can give her this name.

It holds the meaning of a blessed peacemaker. And as a nickname, you can call her Winnie from the Disney movie Winnie the Pooh. Such a cute name it is, isn’t it?

  • ZUMA

Zuma is a sharp name that has an intelligent vibe to it. It has its roots in the Arabic language and holds the meaning of peace.

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Peace

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Peace

While choosing the best names for their babies, modern parents are looking for something out of the box. They are looking for names that don’t contain themselves within the barrier of gender.

That is where gender-neutral names come into the picture. These names are on a rise, and more and more parents are opting for it.

If you are one of those parents, this section is for you.


Most Arabic names have a lyrical tone to them which makes them attractive, at least to me.

Amani is one such name with Arabic and Indian roots. It has a classy vibe to it that is preferred by many parents. And the best thing about it is you can name it to your boy or girl, no matter their gender.

It holds the meanings of peace, wishes, and faith.

  • BEM

This three-letter name is easy to remember. It has a quirky vibe to it. With its roots in the African language, it holds the meaning of peace.


I have already said earlier that Dove is a white bird that stands for peace. And the name Columba is just the Latin version of it.

If you like Latin names, you can go for this name without thinking twice.


The name Cheydan has its roots in the Afghan language. It is a popular name in the Muslim community.

This name holds the meaning of peaceful and patient.

  • EIR

Eir is a unique name. I haven’t come across someone who carries this name. It has its roots in Norse culture.

If you are into names that are not that common, you can go for this name. And yes, this is a unisex name, which means it will fit your girl and boy equally.

  • FEN

This is, again, a three-letter name that is quite popular. Modern parents with a unique taste of names are fond of this kind of name. It is an English name that holds the meaning of peace.

  • IRIE

This gender-neutral name has its roots in the Jamaican language. It has a cool vibe to it that you may like. It comes with the meaning of harmony and peace.


The gender-neutral name Kazuya is perfect for boys as well as girls. It has its roots in the Japanese language.

It has an old-school vibe to it, which makes it perfect for parents looking for vintage names. Kazuya means calm, peace, and harmony.


Yes, unisex names can be melodious too. And the name Maluhia is proof of it. It has its roots in the Hawaiian language and can be a good choice for parents looking for unique and lyrical names.

It holds the meaning of serenity and peace.

  • NOE

This is a trendy name that is liked by parents all over the world. I have always considered Spanish to be an appealing language. And the name Noe proves it. It has Spanish roots and translates to peace. 

When it comes to pronunciation, you need to pronounce it as Zoe.


No matter how easy it sounds, choosing a name for your little sunshine is everything but easy.

You spend hours and days going through the list of names until you find THE ONE. And that is not the end of it. You may even have to go through criticism from your family regarding your choice of name.

So, it’s never easy, you see.

But I hope you like the names with the meaning of peace that I have listed here. Which of them have you shortlisted?

Tell me in the comments!

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