Mom’s Guide to Staying Sane with Kids: #1 Take Mom Vacations!

Momcations or Mom vacationsOnce a woman is married, she devotes her time to her husband and once she bears a child, she then divides her time into working, doing chores, taking care of her spouse and little one(s). It must be pretty exhausting to have the to-do list packed with the daily grind. There are no day-offs nor holidays… Or if there is a day-off, some mothers just choose not to spend time by themselves because of the constant worry that no one would take care of the family.

But actually, mom vacations are just as important as mom duties and here’s why:

1. It replenishes you from within.

Everyone deserves a break from the busy environment. Especially if you are a mom, vacation is a must at least once a month to restore the energy that you have lost from working and taking care of everybody else at home. A good three-day vacation somewhere far from the city is a perfect time to refresh your body, mind and spirit for a more productive performance at being a wife, mom and career person.

2. It allows you to connect with yourself.

While working and being a mother at the same time can take a toll on you and the next thing you know is you are functioning on autopilot. Your goals and purpose are covered in a haze that prevents you from grasping your life together. Taking mom vacations helps you in recalling all your short-term and long-term goals for yourself and for your family. It also helps you be physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually ready for that tough journey that you are going to take as you chase your ambitions. And of course, it is a great way to process all the things that are going on with your life.

You are able to think of all the setbacks that were caused by poorly-thought of decisions and how you can improve yourself and rise beyond your mistakes.

3. It prevents parental burnout.

You may have heard of professional burnout and might be thinking about parental burnout. Is it a thing? Unfortunately and unexpectedly, it is indeed a thing. A study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology stated that 12.9% of mothers experience “high-burnout”. It is also proven in another study published in the journal Child Abuse & Neglect that parental burnout has similar effects as to that of job burnout and has a stronger effect on couples’ conflicts and child-related outcomes such as neglect and violence.

If you are experiencing a tri-dimensional burnout syndrome that includes exhaustion, inefficacy and emotional distancing, it is suggested to take a short vacation away from the things that burn you out and ignite that fire again! If not prevented, it may devastate not only you but the people around you especially your family. So, do what it takes to cool yourself.

4. Mom vacations are transformative.

Mothers are stuck in the same set of workload every day. Waking up in the morning to prepare breakfast for the family, going to work, coming home to take care of the household, sleep and repeat for the following days, all year round. It can be constricting and it feels like as if you are programmed to do it for the rest of your life. A mother deserves to go out of the four corners of her office and home and explore!

mom vacations

Taking a vacation can help you expand your mind and soul. Who knew that while traveling in another place, you could discover a new hobby that may help you de-stress? Or meet new friends that you can count on?

Do not be afraid of experiencing new things, be bold and set yourself free even for a bit.

5. It is a win-win situation for every member of the family.

Mothers take care of the children more and apparently, they spend most of the time preparing what their kids need. By going on a vacation, you are giving your little ones a chance to get to know other members of the family like their dad, grandma, grandpa, cousins, uncles, aunts, or whoever might be available at home. It will be a whole new experience for everyone and will bring the family closer together.

6. Coming home is sweeter than usual.

Having a good vacation away from the family is a good plus, coming home is much sweeter because of how much everyone missed how you make the house, cook meals, and how you just give love to everything that you do. Your spouse and children will have a better grasp of how much you accomplish on a daily basis and you will surely earn more respect from the members of your family for doing so much for them.

Mothers may feel guilty for leaving their family at home to go out of town or overseas to enjoy and relax, but here’s the thing:

All mothers deserve mom vacations and no mother should ever be remorseful for taking care of their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

If you are a parent and you feel like burning out from all the stress from home and work, do not hesitate to put all the problems aside, go on a short vacation, refresh your heart, reset your mind, collect yourself and enjoy. And with all certainty, you will be able to ace everything like it is eating a piece of cake.

Remember, nothing beats a relaxed mind and heart.

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1 thought on “Mom’s Guide to Staying Sane with Kids: #1 Take Mom Vacations!”

  1. These are all true. I treated my mom to spa day and as expected my mom loved it. It was great quality time and she felt so pampered. Thanks for sharing ♥️ ♥️ Interested in doing collabs? xx


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