Do you have kids at home? Are you planning to have a fun time with them? How about the classic truth or dare game?
When I was a kid, I used to play truth or dare on every occasion or party that was arranged at my home. And even now that I have grown up and have a kid, I play this game with my friends and family whenever I’m bored or need a quick dose of laughter to cheer myself up.
Kids LOVE this game, especially when they get to do the dares! But not all dares are appropriate for kids.
So, you have to be a little careful when you choose what dares to give them. It would be amazing if you could choose something that is challenging yet funny at the same time.
While your kids will get to perform a challenge, they will have fun laughing too!
Dares for 10-12-Year Olds
So, to help you, I have come up with some funny dares for kids. You can try these with your kids, and trust me, they will have a great time.
Hilarious Dares for Kids
These funny dares for kids are all you need to keep your kids engaged and happy and have a time full of laughter!
- You have to make the best fort ever. And for that, you can use only the objects that you get in the house
- You have to let another player do a tattoo on your leg. Of course, they will use a washable marker
- You have to play an imaginative guitar, and you need to do headbangs and scissor kicks too
- Take a jar of baby food and eat it
- What is your favorite cartoon character? Talk like them for two minutes
- Throw popcorn one by one in the air and catch them using your mouth. Do this for a minute
- Wear your shirt inside out and your sunglasses on the back of your head. Now walk around like this
- Take a glass of warm water and drink it. Now say aloud how good it tastes
- Run as fast as you can for two minutes. But you need to do it while standing in one place
- Bring out your favorite ice cream from the freezer and put some pickles on it. Now have it
- Stand on the bed and think of it as an international stage. Now give your best rock star performance as a singer
- Which is your favorite houseplant? Behave like it for a minute
- You know how flamingos walk, right? Now stand up using your one foot and walk how flamingoes walk
- Take a bottle, fill it with some water, and balance it on your head. Do this for a minute
- Do you remember the Old McDonald song? Sing it out loud. You need to make the animal sounds too
- Take a glass of water and drink it upside down
- Do you like someone? Propose to a chair, imagining it’s the same person
- What is your favorite song? You need to act it out, keeping your mouth shut. See if other players can guess it correctly
- Take some colored pencils and your drawing copy. Now draw a butterfly and color it. Remember, you can’t use your hands
- I know how you love watching tricks. So, invent one and perform it like you are performing it in a theatre
- You need to talk like a pirate till the end of the game
- Think of a nursery rhyme in your head and act it out. Others need to guess it correctly
- Suppose you are a fish who has been taken out of water. Make the best impression of it
- Suppose you are the puppy of the other player. How will you behave? Act it out
- Go to the front yard and perform a Tik-Tok viral dance
- Pretend to be a hundred-year on granny for one minute
- Talk like a baby for one minute
- Show us how a baby dances
- Take a balloon, blow it up and sit on it till it pops
- Take some mayonnaise and brush your teeth with it
- Take a book and go and stand in the driveway. Now read a passage from the book out loud, theatrically
- Cry like a baby for a minute
- Another player has hidden a book in the room. Find it. You have got three minutes in hand
- Suppose you are a robot. Walk and talk like one for two minutes
- Take an ice cube out of the freezer and hold it for a minute
- Pile up some mud and stick your hand in it
- There are so many beautiful flowers in the yard. Pluck one and give it to the first person who passes by
- Walk around in the room backward for a minute
- Act like your least favorite school teacher for a minute
- Take a banana and peel it. Remember, you can’t use your hands
- Which is the one fruit that you dislike the most? You have to eat it
- Take out your clean underwear from the wardrobe and wear it on your head. Now stand like that for a minute in the yard
- Take out your shirts from the wardrobe. Let’s see how many shirts you can wear in a minute
- The person sitting next to you will design a hat for you using anything they get handy. You have to wear the hat and flaunt it for the rest of the day
- Take out your socks and wear them on your hands. Now, stay like that till the end of the game
- Take a hardboiled egg and dip it into sugar and not salt. Now eat it
- Do as many push-ups as you can in a minute
- Whatever you want to say, say in singing, till the end of the game
- Take the baby bottle and drink from it
- You have to make the tallest tower you can. And for that, you can use only toys
- Take the clean dog bowl from the floor, put some chips in it and eat from it
- Let the one sitting next to you make purple freckles on your face using a washable marker. You need to keep it for the rest of the day
- Go to the yard and do a cartwheel
- Send a text to your favorite person. Remember, you can use only your nose
- Draw a portrait of your favorite person on your hand and gift it to them
- Write a poem quickly and read it out loud. You get only five minutes for this
- Jump and make a sound like a frog for a minute
- Take the jar of mini marshmallows. Let’s see how many you can fit in your mouth
- Sing Jingle Bells backward
- Write your name on your right hand using your left hand
- The person sitting next to you will blindfold you. You need to tie your shoes like that
- Take a bowl of cereal. Now use chopsticks to eat it
- Show us your scariest face. Now take a picture of yourself like that and send it to others
- Show us your funniest face. Now take a picture of yourself like that and send it to others
- Show us your mysterious face. Now take a picture of yourself like that and send it to others
- Show us your saddest face. Now take a picture of yourself like that and send it to others
- Show us your naughtiest face. Now take a picture of yourself like that and send it to others
- Choose any dark space and hide there for four minutes
- Take the bottle of peanut butter, take one teaspoon full of it, and eat it. You can’t have water in between
- Count from 100 to 1 backward
- Recite all the alphabets from Z to A backward. You need to do this as fast as you can
- Speak English with a French accent for the rest of the game
- The person sitting next to you will blindfold you and spin you around. You have to walk across the room that way
- Cry how a baby cries when they want something
- Go and walk around the block. And if anyone passes by, sing Christmas carols to them
- Go to the window and sing opera to the highest pitch of your voice
- Tie your shoes once you wear over mitts
- Let me do some makeup on you. And you have to keep it for the rest of the day
- Do you see that earthworm there? Go and hold it in your hands
- Go to the front yard and dance like a bug
- Pretend to be the “Hulk” for two minutes
- It is summertime, but you have to wear your winter gear, go out and wave at the passing cars and people
- Recite Hickory Dickory Dock backward
- Allow one of the players to give you a manicure using white-out
- Bring your shoes, put them on the wrong feet, and go to the yard walking
- Allow one of the players to style your hair. You have to wear it that way for the rest of the day
- Bring out the bottles of strong mustard, horseradish, and pepper sauce. Now taste them one by one
- Take a straw and pick up Skittles with that. You need to sort them according to their color
- Make the sound that your favorite animal makes. Do this for a minute
- Bring a cherry and an olive. Now close your eyes. The person sitting next to you will give you any one of these two to eat, and you will have to eat it
- Go and bring some toilet paper. Now make a dress out of it. Whatever you create, you will have to flaunt it by wearing
- Smell the feet of the person sitting next to you and describe how it is
- You need to perform a pop song as if you are giving a live performance on a stage. And you have to use your hairbrush as your mic
- Get up and do a headstand
- Call someone from your family and sing them the birthday song. It doesn’t matter if it is their birthday or not
- Walk around the room like a crab for a minute
Funny Dares for Kids
Do you want to see your kids laugh out loud? Then, let them try these hilarious dares!
- Make a face that shows you are both surprised and scared at the same time
- Act like Shaggy in Scooby-Doo for a minute
- Suppose you are a toddler. Now talk and behave like one for a minute
- Give us the best dance performance of your life
- Sing a song that you are best in in the front yard out loud
- Give us your best ballet dancing performance
- How would you dance if you were a frog? Show us
- If you were a zombie, how would you scare everyone? Show us
- Read a paragraph from any play by Shakespeare
- Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with a male opera voice
- Do the cha-cha for a minute
- You have watched The Walking Dead TV show, right? Now walk like one for a minute
- What secret talent do you have? Surprise us
- Go to the front yard and do the chicken dance while you sing loudly like a chicken
- Pretend as if you are picking lies from one of your friend’s hair
- Act like you are completely exhausted, can’t get up, but still walking
- Talk in an accent that you have just invented
- It’s daytime. But you have to go out and shout, “good night, neighbors” at the peak of your voice
- Go out and shout “happy holidays” with the highest voice you have
- Suppose you have a guitar in your hand. Now play it like a pop guitarist
- Suppose you are a News reader on a TV channel. Now read some news like them
- Go to the front yard and shout saying, “I love you.”
- Suppose you are Santa Claus. Walk like him with an imaginary bag on your shoulders for a minute
- You have to laugh as if you are Santa
- Touch your nose with your tongue
- Sing a pop song with some funny wrong lyrics
- Say from A to Z without opening your mouth
- Act as if you are sleeping on your bed and you are having a nightmare
- Show us some breakdance moves
- Take to that couch for a minute
- Talk as long as you can without breathing
- Drink water from a glass. Remember you can’t breathe while drinking water
- Wink to the person sitting next to you. Make sure you don’t twist your mouth and nose
- Go to the freezer, take out an ice cube and balance it on your forehead
- Move around and round like a helicopter for a minute
- Sing a fast song of your choice and slow dance with it
- Shout at the peak of your voice
- Remove your socks without using your hands and legs
- Take a spoon and balance it on your nose for as long as you can
- Take a spoon, hold it with your lips, put a marble on it and walk inside the room, balancing it for 1 minute
- Show us as many cartwheels as you can do in a minute
- Suppose you are an old lady with a stick in your hand. Now walk like one for a minute
- Show us all the funny faces you can make in a minute
- Talk to a piece of furniture for a minute
- Go out and hug your favorite tree
- Imagine there is a hula hoop on your waist. Now spin it for two minutes
- Do as many pushups as you can for a minute
- You have one minute, and you can’t blink
- Stand on the couch and moonwalk for a minute
- Imagine you are a monkey. Now jump and dance like one in the room for a minute
- Imagine you are an elephant. Now behave like one for a minute
Humorous Dares for Kids
These funny dares for kids are all you need to make your little one giggle and chuckle!
- Take a sip of water from the glass and keep it in your mouth for a minute. In the meanwhile, every other player will try to make you laugh
- Stop what you are doing and remain like a statue for a minute
- Hold a cockroach with your hand
- Be angry at the wall and yell at it
- What is that one word that comes to your mind when you get angry? Shout it out loud
- Keep your mouth close and sing a song. And everyone will try to guess which song it is
- Choose any one object in the room and create a story revolving around it. You will get two minutes for this
- Use your high-pitched voice to talk for a minute
- Talk about your best friend for a minute. At the end of every sentence, you have to use the word, “and I danced”
- Go out of the house and shout “I pick my nose” to all the people who pass by you. Do this for two minutes
- Act like Batman for two minutes
- Act like your favorite Disney princess for two minutes
- Act like Superman for two minutes
- Act like your favorite class teacher for one minute
- Roar like a lion
- Make the sound of a monkey
- Make the sound of a snake and move like one in the room for one minute
- Act like Minnie Mouse for a minute
- Walk and make sounds like a cat
- Take a mouth full of chips and try to whistle
- Put a ball on your head and balance it for a minute
- Eat a piece of cake. Remember, you can’t use your hands
- Lick some toothpaste
- Take a glass of water and drink it in one breath
- Run around the bed – thrice
- Crawl like an army across the room
- Go outside and howl like a werewolf
- Stick round labels all over your body as if you have chicken pox
- Stick a coin on your forehead and keep it that way for a minute
- Act as if there was a banana peel lying on the ground and you slipped on it
- Do a handstand and give your best
- Go outside and sing in your highest voice
- Take a glass of water, mix some salt with it and drink it
- Do jumping jacks for the next two minutes
- Take a drawing copy and draw a picture on it. Remember, you can’t use your hand to hold the pen
- Act like the person sitting next to you
- Talk about your school for a minute. Your tongue should be out the entire time
- Act like a ghost for a minute
- Act like a dog for a minute
- Play your favorite pop song and do a crazy dance
- Take a pen and draw a mustache on your face. You have to keep it for the rest of the day
- Use your toes and draw a picture
Are you laughing already? Play these funny dares for kids and see how happy they become!
Hi, I am Claudia, I run TheQueenMomma’s content creation team, personally focusing on topics which add joy to people’s life. You would usually see me writing on topics like Jokes, Riddles, Truth & Dare as well as Baby Names etc.
In my professional career, I have a Bachelor’s and Master’s in sociology and specialize in media and crime. Once I finished my education, I began my career working as a journalist, reporting on various topics like crime, justice and family law. Even though I valued journalism, I came to the realization that I wanted to have a more immediate impact in people’s lives as well as bring joy to them.