8 Things a Daughter Needs From Her Mom

Having a daughter is one of the most joyous experiences for a mother, but raising one is not as easy as it seems. There is no doubt that a mother-daughter bond is special and as a mother, it is a great responsibility to keep your relationship with your daughter healthy and meaningful. 

A child’s needs are expressed and met in different ways. Therefore, their needs from a mother and father are also different. Both are critical, however, the mother-daughter relationship is important as daughters will be future mothers as well. Later in life, they will become a new generation of women who will fight for their rights and dreams. 

What exactly does your daughter need? Let me teach you some significant things:

She needs you to tell her she’s beautiful. 

Girls often look down on themselves because they don’t know the beauty they emit. And, you just need to say it in order for them to hear and feel it! 

Tell your daughter she’s beautiful, tell her that inner beauty radiates more and lasts for a lifetime. Teach her everyday on how to be truly beautiful inside and out. 

She needs you to believe in her. 

While your daughter is still young, it is the perfect time to instill confidence and make them feel the power of conquering the world. 

They couldn’t do it themselves, they need their moms! Be your daughter’s number 1 fan. Believe in them and in what they can do so they can believe in themselves too. 

The earlier you can instill trust and belief in your daughter, the sooner they will learn how to be confident in everything they do.

daughter and mother cuddling with each other

She needs you to be a model of self-awareness and self-care.

Staying healthy mentally and emotionally is as vital as physical health. It can be possible through self-awareness and self-care that you, their mother, their first teacher, must show them. 

A mother is her child’s role model, and showing them good self-awareness and self-care is a big factor in molding your child. A way of modeling it is to acknowledge your emotions: both positive and negative. 

Verbalizing your emotions and your reasons are the best way for them to pick up what is going on. Telling them about your day, how it went, or the struggles will show them that you aren’t as perfect as they think you are; that you are also human just like them. Your daughter needs to know how to identify and express their feelings in a healthy way. 

Even on the days that you are uncertain, it is important to teach them how to acknowledge and address such emotions. 

She needs you to tell her that her worth comes from within.

This generation is brutal. Social media has set new, unrealistic standards in girls resulting in low self-esteem and increased self-loathing among them. 

In this cruel world, your daughter needs to know that they are more than expectations, false appearances and standards. She needs to know that you are proud of her and your love is truly unconditional. 

Never forget that they are humans who make a lot of mistakes throughout their childhood… and life. It is vital to extend grace and make them feel that no matter how big their mistakes are, they are still worthy of love and forgiveness. 

They also need to know that whether they get 1st or last place, you are still proud of them, still love them, and that they are worthy of opportunities. 

She needs you to spend time with her. 

Time is the most valuable treasure one can have. Take every opportunity to spend time with your daughter and cultivate a healthy relationship with her. Grab that mother-daughter dates, ask them questions, listen to her stories and tell her yours. Teach her life skills such as sewing, gardening, and cooking. These will later turn into quality time rather than chores. 

Build traditions with your daughter, things that both of you enjoy such as: going to the spa on Fridays or cafe dates on Sundays. Traditions are the best ways to create memories and foster a deeper relationship. 

She needs you to give her space. 

A mother can never tolerate seeing their child walk a dangerous path with perils and heartaches ahead. But, you cannot control your daughter for her decisions nor prevent them from making mistakes and you shouldn’t. Give them advice but never restrict them, let them fly and learn from their own experiences. 

She needs you to teach her how to be gentle… but tough. 

Teach your daughter how to be compassionate and empathetic with other people, to be concerned with her environment, and wise with her decisions. But also, teach her how to be tough when life is challenging her, to be resilient, and independent. 

She needs you to show her how to respect herself and be confident. 

Your daughter needs to see what it looks like to value herself, respect herself and be confident. Set a good example and show her exactly what it means! Your daughter watches you and picks up on your actions: on how you treat yourself, treat others, and yourself. 

The best thing you can do as a mother is not about the material things, but to be a good role model. To be a model of winning principles and beliefs will guide your daughter to win every aspect of life.


Mothers are Queens: A Tribute to All Wonderful Mothers

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41 thoughts on “8 Things a Daughter Needs From Her Mom”

    • Having a daughter or a son is such a precious gift! How much more if we have more of them? Multiply the love and hugs and smooches! 🙂

  1. Such a sweet list of things to remember when raising kids. I have 2 boys and it is all so true for any parent-child relationship. Great article!

    • It goes as well with raising boys. Expression of affection and constant building of trust are necessary for raising kids. 🙂

  2. Very meaningful and heartfelt. I truly admire women who balance their relationship with their families AND children. And definitely, I love my momma the most – totally saw her fitting into all these beautiful qualities you listed! 🙂

  3. I am the blessed mother of two daughters. They inspire me to be the best and I hope that I had given them the best that I have so they can become great and decent women. Great and inspirational post!

  4. Parents should always encourage their children and boost their self confidence. This is the way a child develops into a healthy confident person.

  5. What a lovely post, I completely agree with you! What they learn, see and how they are treated when they are younger is what will impact and shape them when they are older, and all of these points are quite important.

  6. Great post! I love this post very much…All those points I have expected and received from my mom and now my daugheter needed from me. If you tell a chid she is not looking beautiful she will not mad at you but it will ruin her whole life.


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