Postpartum Depression: Do You Have These Warning Signs?

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a term to describe a type of depression experienced by mothers who recently gave birth. It is caused by the hormonal changes, adjustment of routine, and fatigue that follows after having a new baby. It affects 1 out of 8 women during the first few months after giving birth. It is very common, but not very well discussed. It is important to know if you or someone you know is experiencing it to provide support and in some cases, medication is required.

postpartum depression

Here are some of the symptoms to check if you or someone you know is going through it:

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6 Insane Things That Really Annoy Us Mothers (Oh well!)

Songs That Mean More to Me Since I Became a Mom

A lot of things change when a woman becomes a mother.  Even if mothers are considered modern day superheroes, there are still things and situations in life that get us annoyed.  It is not always the same for every mom. Some may just be very petty situations but it may blow one’s head off while others may be a huge deal but can easily be solved.  

6 Insane Things That Really Annoy Us Mothers

Which of these insane things can you pretty much relate to?

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4 Ways to Develop Your Child’s Talents

Ways to Develop Your Child’s Talents

There are so many ways to develop your child’s talents. As you know, every child is different. Some children show interests in specific fields at a young age. Some take a strong interest in music and playing musical instruments. There are kids who love painting and drawing. There are others who love watching their parents cook in the kitchen. And there are also some kids who are amazed by construction objects. 

As parents, we can spot where their interests are heading to. Some children show natural talent very early, and it is important to nurture these talents. What can we do to encourage them?

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Breastfeeding Basics: Know Your Milk!

Know Your Milk

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Breastfeeding has always been tagged as being the “BEST” for babies. Breastmilk is specially designed for your baby. The bond that you formed from pregnancy to birth continues on to breastfeeding. Your milk is the most complete and nutritious food for your newborn. Although breastfeeding comes so naturally to moms, not everyone is as lucky. The best weapon is information. Educate yourself on the many aspects of breastfeeding.

Let us first tackle what happens right after you give birth. Do you have milk right away? Can you use your breast pump immediately? Why doesn’t any milk come out?

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The Boy After My Own Heart

The Boy After My Own Heart

I always make it a point to write a love letter to each of my children every time they celebrate their birthdays. This way, I will be able to record what each year has done on them growing up and how emotions were at this present moment. I’m writing this to this one ridiculously adorable ball of sunshine, guaranteed to put a smile on my face no matter what time he decides to rise and shine — the boy after my own heart.

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