188 Funny Truth Or Dare Questions For Teens

Got a question for you: Truth or dare?

We’ve all probably played this fun, sometimes bold, often silly game at some point. Did you know that this game was said to be first played way back during the 17th century? And it just never gets old! In fact, it just gets better — and more fun!

So, of course, there will most likely come a time when your teen will be playing this game with their friends as well. It’s definitely a great way to break the ice, get to know each other better, and bond with friends. But, as we all know too well, without the right guidance and supervision, an innocent game of Truth Or Dare can sometimes lead to some bullying or upsetting situations.

As parents, you can help prevent that from happening by giving your child proper guidance. By teaching them how to play this game in a good-natured, clean manner, your teen and their friends will be able to play Truth Or Dare in the most enjoyable way possible. By preparing a good, well-thought-out set of truths and dares for teens, they’ll be able to have an incredible, unforgettable time together while playing an awesome game of Truth Or Dare.

How To Play?

How To Play?

Just in case you need a refresher, here’s how it goes:

  • Kids gather and sit together in a circle
  • A bottle is usually placed in the middle of the circle, which they will spin.
  • Whoever the bottle ends up pointing to will be asked to choose: Truth or dare?
  • If they choose truth, they have to answer a question from the group honestly and openly.
  • If they choose to dare, they have to perform a dare from the group.

We’ve picked out some great truths and dares for teens that you can use are you prepare a guide for your teen and their friends to play. Remember to have proper supervision as well!

Truth and Dares for Teens


These 188 truths or dare questions for teens will ensure that your kids and their friends will have a ton of good, clean, and super awesome fun together!

Truth For Teens: The Truth Hurts… Or Does It?

Teens are very notorious for maybe bending the truth to their utmost convenience at times. They tend to avoid or omit the truth because that vulnerability makes them feel silly or embarrassed. These truth questions are a great way to get your kids and their friends to share and admit things they may not have otherwise. Remember that the idea is not to make them feel put on the spot or humiliated — just to have a great way to get some confessions and truth bombs out there. All in lighthearted, good-natured fun, of course.

Truth For Teens: School Questions

  1. “What is the subject that you most hate in school?”
  2. “What is the most boring class you ever had to take?”
  3. “Have you ever cheated on an exam?”
  4. “Was there ever a time that you actually enjoyed reading a deep/romantic poem in literature class but just pretended that you thought it was lame?”
  5. “Have you played a prank on your teacher, and what was the most memorable one?”
  6. “Can you tell us how many times you have been punished and got sent to the principal’s office?”
  7. “For you, who is the creepiest kid you’ve ever encountered in school?”
  8. “What was the worst / lowest grade that you ever got in school?”
  9. “Have you ever dozed off while in class, and were you caught?”
  10. “What are your ambition and career goals?”
  11. “How confident would you say you are when it comes to achieving your dreams?”
  12. “What is the first thing that you do after school each day?”
  13. “What is your absolute favorite thing to do in school?”
  14. “Honestly, do you enjoy gym class?”
  15. “Are you into sports, and what sport would you most like to play?”
  16. “Who is your most favorite of your teachers and why?”
  17. “Have you ever skipped school by telling a lie and they lying about it to your parents?”
  18. “Have you ever mocked a teacher or a classmate behind their back?”
  19. “Have you ever pretended to be sick so that you can avoid a test or skip a class?”
  20. “Who was the first boy/girl you ever kissed in school?”

Truth For Teens: Friendship Questions

“Of all your close friends / best friends, who do you consider to be your very best friend — your ride or die?”

  1. “What was the first impression you had about [best friend’s name]?”
  2. “Would you ever cheat or lie for a friend?”
  3. “What would you do or how would you handle it if you had a crush on your friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend?”
  4. “Would you ever go behind the back of your friend with a crush?”
  5. “Would you ditch a lunch date with your friend to go out on a date?”
  6. “Have you ever lied to your best friend?”
  7. “Have you ever made your best friend do you something for you by telling a lie?”
  8. “Have you ever shared the secrets of your best friend with another person?”
  9. “Would you be able to go for weeks or maybe even months without talking to your BFF?”
  10. “Did you ever have an imaginary friend? What was your imaginary friend’s name?”
  11. “What is one quality that you do not like in a friend?”
  12. “What is it that you most like about your friends?”
  13. “What are the top three most important qualities that you look for in a friend?”
  14. “Who was the absolute worst friend that you ever had and why?”
  15. “What is the cruelest thing that you have ever done to a friend?”

Be careful about choosing the questions because you do not want your teen to have a rift with her or his friends.

Truth For Teens: Dream & Ambition Questions

  1. “If you were anywhere else but here right now, where would you be, and what is it you would be doing at this moment?”
  2. “Who are your role models and why them?”
  3. “What college/university are you planning to attend after graduating high school?”
  4. “If you are not able to get into the college/university of your choice, what would you do?”
  5. “What is your absolute dream job?”
  6. “What would be your idea of a perfect vacation?”
  7. “If you had the resources and the money to start your own business/empire, what would it be?”
  8. “If you were able to invent anything in the world, what would you invent?”
  9. “If you won a million dollars in the lottery right now, what would you do with your winnings?”

Truth For Teens: Relationship Questions

  1. “Who was the first crush you had at school?
  2. “Who is the hottest guy/girl at school for you?”
  3. “What would be your idea of a perfect date?”
  4. “Where is it that you like to go / would like to go on a first date? What is your ideal first date?”
  5. “If you had the chance to go out on a date with a celebrity, which celebrity would you go out with?”
  6. “If you ever get stranded on a remote island, who is the one person you would choose to be with you?”
  7. “If you had to choose one of us here in the room to go out with on a date, who would it be?”
  8. “Of all the people that you have gone out with, who for you has the dreamiest, most beautiful smile?”
  9. “Tell the truth: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now?”
  10. “‘ Fess up and let us know: How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?”
  11. “Have you ever been kissed/have you ever kissed someone?”
  12. “With whom did you have your first kiss, and when and how did it happen?”
  13. “Have you ever broken a boyfriend/girlfriend’s heart?”
  14. “Have you ever had your heart broken by a boyfriend/girlfriend?”
  15. “What was your most embarrassing date ever?”
  16. “What was the most awkward moment you ever experienced on a date?”
  17. “In your opinion, who do you think is the hottest teacher at school and why?”
  18. “Have you ever had a crush on any of your friends’ boyfriends/girlfriends?”
  19. “Did you ever flirt with any of your friends’ brothers or sisters?”
  20. “Would you ever use a dating website — and what website?”
  21. “Have you joined a dating website, and which one?”
  22. “If you have to choose among all of us here the one you’ll have as your prom date, who would that person be?”
  23. “Have you ever been obsessed, or are you currently obsessed with a celebrity?”
  24. “Have you ever broken up, or would you ever break up with someone over text message?”
  25. “Are you feeling jealous of anyone right now because of who they’re dating?”
  26. “Have you ever experienced falling in love with someone at first sight?”
  27. “How would you wish for the love of your life to propose to you?”
  28. “Describe the kind of person whom you want to be married with in the future?”

Truth For Teens: Life & Values Questions

  1. “If you were given a chance to live on your own, independently, right now, would you take that chance?”
  2. “If you had the chance, what is the one thing that you would change in your life?”
  3. “If you were given one wish, what is it that you would wish for?”
  4. “If you knew the world was about to end very soon, what do you think you would do?”
  5. “Imagine if one day you wake up and suddenly realize that you have become invisible — what would you do?”
  6. “If you were given a chance to be reborn as someone else in this room, who would you pick to be reborn as?”
  7. “Should you be given the opportunity to be born again, what would you pick to be born as this time around?”
  8. “What would you say is your worst fear?”
  9. “Let’s say you just had 24 hours to live — how would you spend that time?”
  10. “If you were the Queen of England, what would you do?”
  11. “If you suddenly were given a chance to become a superhero, what would you want your power to be?”
  12. “What would you rather be, a princess or a mermaid?”
  13. “If you had a choice for one day, would you choose to become the opposite gender, or stay the same, and why?”

Truth For Teens: Embarrassing Questions

  1. “Have you ever stolen or shoplifted anything?”
  2. “Was there ever a time that you let someone else take the fall for something that you did?”
  3. “When you were younger, what was your childhood nickname, and who still calls you that?”
  4. “What is the most embarrassing thing that you’ve ever done that your parents caught you doing/having done?”
  5. “If your parents were to go out of town for a week, leaving you to have the house to yourself, what would you do?”
  6. “What would you say was the worst day of your life ever and why?”
  7. “What is the strangest or weirdest dream that you ever had?”
  8. “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate every person in this room?”
  9. “What would you say are five annoying or disgusting habits of yours?”
  10. “What was the dumbest or stupidest thing that you have ever done?”
  11. “How long is the longest time you have ever gone without showering or shaving?”
  12. “Have you ever peed in the pool while swimming?”
  13. “Have you ever spread a nasty rumor about another person?”
  14. “What is the weirdest thing you have done while you were alone in front of a mirror?”
  15. “Who do you think is hotter: [Name two people you all know]?”
  16. “What is one thing that annoys you about each one of us here?”
  17. “Who is the one person that you dislike more than anyone else in the world, and why?”
  18. “Who is the one person that you love more than anyone else in the world, and why?”
  19. “When you are home alone, what do you do?”
  20. “What kind of pajamas do you wear when you go to bed?”
  21. “What is the silliest thing that you’ve been attached to for the longest time that you still possess with you right now?”
  22. “Have you ever watched an adult film and lied to your parents about it?”
  23. “What was the biggest / most major lie that you ever told without ever getting caught?”
  24. “If you were forced to pick one of the people who are in this room to be your slave, which one of us would you choose and why?”
  25. “What is the one question that you absolutely do not want to be asked in this game? (Keep this in mind for later on!)”

Is your teen in the mood for more great Qs? Here are more interesting trivia questions they can have fun with! https://thequeenmomma.com/trivia-questions-for-teens/

Dares For Teens: Don’t You Dare — Or Do!

The truth is out there, and getting it out there is great and all. But there are times when choosing a dare is what floats their boat. And sometimes teens may find it hard to fully open up about certain things, or they may want to do something that’s unusual or cool or just plain old silly fun! Either way, these dares for teens are awesome ways for your kids and their friends to engage in some very entertaining and very hilarious acts — and create memories together and strengthen their bond through laughter and shared experiences in the process!

Dares For Teens: Beginner Level (Simple And Easy)

  1. “For the next three rounds of the game, wear your socks on your hands.”
  2. “Paint each of your fingernails and your toenails a different color and keep it that way for a whole day.”
  3. “For the rest of the evening, wear your pants backward.”
  4. “Apply makeup on your face without looking in the mirror.”
  5. “For the duration of the next two rounds, run in place.”
  6. “Kiss the person who is to your left on their forehead.”
  7. “Go into the kitchen and eat a whole chili.”
  8. “Go to the center of the circle and sing and do the hokey pokey.”
  9. “Run all around the room while imitating a gorilla or a monkey.”
  10. “Choose someone from the group, pick a love song, and dance with them.”
  11. “Get a pillow and kiss it up until it is your turn once again in the game.”
  12. “Pretend that you are a pig and proceed to sniff the others here when it’s their turn to speak.”
  13. “Grab some crayons and color your toenails with them.”
  14. “Stare deep into a boy or girl’s eyes for 30 seconds straight.”
  15. “Pick a fast song and slow dance to it.”
  16. “Hop around like a kangaroo for one minute and go around the room.”
  17. “Pretend that you are a dog, act like a dog, and ask the rest to pet you like a dog.”
  18. “Go outside and strut on the sidewalk like you are a runway supermodel.”
  19. “Stand outside and hold up a sign with the words, ‘Honk if you think I’m cute.’”
  20. “Propose to your host’s pet or your pet or any pet around — in the sweetest way possible.”
  21. “For the next two minutes, speak in a foreign accent.”
  22. “Stand out on the street and wave to all passersby for two minutes.”
  23. “Dance around like crazy to your favorite jam.”
  24. “For the next 60 minutes, you have to say ‘Oh, not again!’ every single time anyone here says the word ‘like’.”

Dares For Teens: Intermediate Round (Not Too Easy, Not Too Hard)

  1. “Get a garbage bag and make a shirt/bottoms out of it and then wear that for the next two rounds.”
  2. “For the next two rounds, strike a chicken pose and keep it.”
  3. “Scoop out a spoonful of mustard and eat it.”
  4. “Imitate each and every person in this room with you.”
  5. “Quickly, recite the entire alphabet backward.”
  6. “Beat an egg upon your head.”
  7. “Without using your hands, eat a snack.”
  8. “For the next two rounds, make a silly, funny hat and wear it atop your head.”
  9. “Act just like your favorite teacher for the next 30 seconds.”
  10. “Get hot sauce and eat as much of it as you can.”
  11. “Pretend that you are the server and take the snack order of every person in this group, serve it to them, and then ask them politely if they enjoyed the food.”
  12. “By using your own clothing and borrowing clothes from the others in the group, create an outfit that has all seven colors of the rainbow in a span of no more than ten minutes.”
  13. “Get some ice, put it in your shirt, and stay absolutely still up until it melts.”
  14. “While singing a song, try to lick your elbow.”
  15. “Try and attempt to touch your nose using your tongue.”
  16. “Call your parents and then proceed to declare to them that they are grounded for a whole week.”
  17. “Instead of walking, dance like a ballerina for the rest of the night.”
  18. “Dance around to Old MacDonald Had A Farm.”
  19. “Tell your boyfriend/girlfriend that you want to take a break from them.”
  20. “Fold your body up like a pretzel.”
  21. “Give a piggyback ride to the person who is seated to your right.”
  22. “Stand up and do a belly dance.”
  23. “In under two minutes, come up with a list of stars/celebrities that each of the people in the room looks like.”
  24. “Sing the latest chart-topper in the silliest, worst way you can and then post the video up on YouTube.”
  25. “Deliver a very bad joke in a very excited tone.”

Dares For Teens: Boss Round (Challenge Accepted)

  1. “Go to the neighbors and borrow a cup of sugar and salt mixed together.”
  2. “Take a video of yourself Moonwalking across the room and then post it up on YouTube.”
  3. “Fill your entire mouth with crackers and then whistle.”
  4. “Go outside and then tell the first person you meet, ‘I love you.”
  5. “Go outside and proceed to belt out a Disney song as loud as you can.”
  6. “Repeat every single thing that all the other players say for the next three rounds.”
  7. “Go and have a tea party with stuffed animals and invite everyone else in the group — and act like a five-year-old girl while you’re at it.”
  8. “Speak like you are underwater and gasping for air for the next two rounds.”
  9. “Go outside and ask the first person you meet out on a date.”
  10. “Get some toilet paper, make a headdress out of it, and promote this are fashion piece on Facebook.”
  11. “Recite the alphabet backward quickly — in a posh British accent.”
  12. “Sing out whatever you want to say for the next three rounds.”
  13. “For the next three rounds, rap out everything you say – make sure to rhyme!”
  14. “Use your elbows to update your status on Facebook.”
  15. “Do the chicken dance proudly out on the lawn.”
  16. “Prank call a restaurant and proceed to order all the items on their menu.” (Make sure not to proceed with the order unless you pay for it)
  17. “Mix together a spoonful of peanut butter and hot sauce and then devour it.”
  18. “Turn to the person on your right and go and smell their armpits.”
  19. “Hold the shoe of the person beside you to your nose for the next 30 seconds.”
  20. “Run around the house while banging your chest like a caveman and yodeling your heart out at the same time.”
  21. “Stand outside in the street and proceed to yell, ‘I am [name]. Hear me roar!’”
  22. “Sing a pop song like you are an opera singer.”
  23. “Go out the front door and then perform a ‘dramatic’ death scene, Looney Tunes-style like Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck would do.”
  24. “Get blindfolded (or close your eyes), open the refrigerator door, point to something, and then let the rest of us feed you what you pointed to (no alcohol or food that the player may be allergic to).”
  25. “Knock on the neighbor’s door and ask them for toilet paper because you have an ’emergency.”
  26. “Call someone who you have a massive crush on and then confess to them how much you like them.”
  27. “Call up your crush or your significant other and then explain the rules of Monopoly to them seriously, in full detail, very fast.”
  28. “Call up your crush and then sing a sappy love song like ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’.”


Make sure to remind your teen and their friends to follow the set rules and not to break them! These fun truths and dares for teens will be a great blueprint for them to have a great, fun-filled, and super amazing time with each other. For more suggestions on fun things, your teen can do with their peers, check out https://thequeenmomma.com/party-games-for-teens/

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