Mom Rules: 5 Things Never to Say to Another Mom

Mom Rules

When you’re a new mom and you decided you are finally ready to socialize with your new “club” (of fellow moms), you gear up with baby essentials, wear your comfy shoes, and head out the door into the new world. A sense of excitement fills our beings as we prepare ourselves to share our new experiences with fellow moms. Let’s face it. Who else knows what we are going through?

But make sure you are prepared for the questions cascading your way! In the MOM life, here are some questions which make other moms squirm in their seats and cause their eyes to twitch and purse their lips.

Be careful not to say these 5 things to other moms, Mom!

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Mothers are Queens: Moms, this is all about you. Thank you!

Mothers are Queens

Mothers are Queens. It may sound clichéd but it’s every bit as true. We’ve all been so accustomed to her being around and in charge of the affairs that we’ve not noticed that it actually holds true; her, being a Queen.

What does the Queen do? Here are some of the most remarkable things a queen does:

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4 Things to Consider Before Pregnancy

Things to Consider Before Pregnancy

It is very important to consider maternal and paternal health before pregnancy. Optimizing your health is important before conception in order to reduce the risk of health complications for both the mother and the child.

Right now, we are sharing with you some guidelines that you have to take in mind in order to maximize both you and your partner’s ability to conceive as well as recognize any potential risks before becoming pregnant.

1. Manage Pre-existing Chronic Health Conditions

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Summer Time! What Moms Need to Pack for a Beach Trip with Kids?

What Moms Need to Pack for a Beach Trip with Kids

After much debate and soul searching, you decided to leave the comfort of your house and bring the entire gang (*gasps!) of kids to the beach. You figured the change of scenery (and odor) will give you a much needed fresh take on life. As a mom, the priority when it comes to packing is always the kids. If only there was a way to shrink your house into purse-size so that you have access to all of your stuff! Alas, we need to make do with the traditional way of selecting what needs to be packed and what can be left behind.

Don’t panic! Yes, there are some things you CAN leave behind. So before you start pulling your hair out, here is a list of the essentials to bring when going on a beach trip

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How to Get Your Children to Care About Others Who Have Less?

How to Get Your Children to Care About Others Who Have Less

“Children are the hope of the future.”

As parents, we want to give the best to our children. We want them to have good clothes, a safe home, delicious food, and a healthy lifestyle. We work hard to make sure that they are well-provided for. Children easily absorb how “easy” it is to buy food, get new clothes or shoes, and purchase more things they need and want. But how do we draw the line in making sure they are not spoiled? How do we let our children know that not everyone is as blessed as they are? How do we teach them to care for the less fortunate?

Breastfeeding Basics: Nursing Right After Giving Birth

Nursing Right After Giving Birth

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Breastfeeding has always been tagged as being the best for babies. Breast Milk is specially designed for your baby. The bond that you formed from pregnancy to birth continues on to breastfeeding. Your milk is the most complete and nutritious food for your newborn. Although breastfeeding comes so naturally to moms, not everyone is as lucky. The best weapon is information. Educate yourself on the many aspects of breastfeeding.

Let us first tackle what happens right after you give birth. Do you have milk right away? Can you use your breast pump immediately? Why doesn’t any milk come out?

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