Bond With Mom: 180 Truth Or Dare Questions To Ask

From small gatherings to grand parties, the versatile truth or dare game is a perfect fit for any occasion. Whether you’re up for tricky questions or daring deeds, this classic game guarantees entertainment.

Now, let’s talk about your mom’s birthday or Mother’s Day plans. You want to see that broad smile on her face, right? If a party is in the works, games are a must-have. Discover why a truth or dare game should top your list, whether it’s a family gathering or a celebration with your mom’s friends.

Interesting Truth or Dare Questions To Ask Your Mom

Now that you have planned for a game of truth or dare, the onus lies on you to make it increasingly interesting. The choice of questions can be funny, crazy, or even embarrassing.

If it’s a formal party, then you could stick to funny or a little toned-down truth or dare questions. Like “What’s your biggest fear?”, “What’s your greatest fantasy?”, “Whom do you like the most in the family?,” and likewise.

When planning for the dares, you could choose some of the cheesiest ones that could make your mom and her pals turn red. However, if you decide to spare them, you may opt for simpler ones as well.

Crazy Truth Questions

Crazy Truth Questions

You could include some of the craziest questions that your mom couldn’t have thought of answering in the wildest of her dreams. What if you ask her, ‘Did you have a crush on any of Dad’s friends?’

Another interesting question could be, ‘Tell us about the craziest thing you did in college.’ It’ll be fun to see her struggle to answer these questions. Read on to get a list of the craziest truth questions for your mother.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in public?

Answer will vary

Have you ever walked into a glass door or wall?


What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

Answer will vary

Have you ever eaten something strange or gross as a dare?


What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever cried about?

Answer will vary

Have you ever accidentally called or texted someone while thinking about them?


What’s the most unusual thing you’re afraid of?

Answer will vary

Have you ever had an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction?


What’s the weirdest rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself?

Answer will vary

Have you ever gotten stuck in an awkward or funny position and couldn’t get out?


What’s the strangest food combination you’ve ever tried and liked?

Answer will vary

Have you ever laughed so hard that you snorted or spit out your drink?


What’s the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?

Answer will vary

Have you ever walked into the wrong restroom by accident?


What’s the most embarrassing text message you’ve ever sent to the wrong person?

Answer will vary

Have you ever had a funny or embarrassing nickname?


What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done when no one was watching?

Answer will vary

Have you ever had an embarrassing moment in front of your crush?


What’s the strangest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?

Answer will vary

Have you ever accidentally made someone believe something that wasn’t true?


What’s the most unusual talent or skill you have?

Answer will vary

Have you ever laughed at a joke or movie scene that nobody else found funny?


What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for a dare?

Answer will vary

Have you ever gotten caught doing something you weren’t supposed to do?


What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever said to someone you just met?

Answer will vary

Crazy Dare Questions

Crazy Dare Questions

If your mom chooses to bypass the truth and chooses to dare, make sure that you have some crazy things lined up for her to do. It could be anything from asking her to call her crush, to saying two things she dislikes about your dad.

The list below gives you access to many more crazy dare questions. Do check them out.

Dare: Sing the national anthem of your country in the loudest voice possible.

The participant must sing the national anthem with enthusiasm.

Dare: Do a handstand against the wall for 30 seconds.

The participant must attempt a handstand against the wall and hold it for 30 seconds.

Dare: Eat a spoonful of hot sauce without any water.

The participant must consume a spoonful of hot sauce without drinking water immediately.

Dare: Call a random number and sing “Happy Birthday” to the person who answers.

The participant must call a random number and sing “Happy Birthday” to the person who picks up the call.

Dare: Put on your clothes inside out and wear them that way for the next hour.

The participant must wear their clothes inside out for the specified duration.

Dare: Dance like a chicken in a public place for one minute.

The participant must perform a chicken dance in a public place for one minute.

Dare: Lick your elbow.

The participant must attempt to lick their elbow, even though it is impossible.

Dare: Eat a spoonful of mustard without making a face.

The participant must consume a spoonful of mustard without showing any facial expression.

Dare: Do a cartwheel in the middle of a crowded room.

The participant must perform a cartwheel in a crowded area, grabbing people’s attention.

Dare: Walk backward for the next 10 minutes.

The participant must walk backward instead of forward for the specified duration.

Dare: Put ice cubes down your shirt and leave them there for 1 minute.

The participant must place ice cubes down their shirt and keep them there for one minute.

Dare: Speak in a high-pitched voice for the next hour.

The participant must use a high-pitched voice while speaking for the specified duration.

Dare: Do 20 jumping jacks in a public place.

The participant must perform 20 jumping jacks in a public area.

Dare: Wear your socks on your hands for the next 30 minutes.

The participant must wear their socks on their hands for the specified duration.

Dare: Sing a popular song in a foreign language of your choice.

The participant must choose a popular song and sing it in a foreign language they select.

Dare: Do a belly dance for 1 minute.

The participant must attempt to do a belly dance for one minute.

Dare: Eat a spoonful of mayonnaise mixed with ketchup.

The participant must consume a spoonful of mayonnaise and ketchup mixture.

Dare: Wear your shirt backward for the rest of the game.

The participant must wear their shirt backward until the game ends.

Dare: Speak in slow motion for the next 10 minutes.

The participant must speak slowly and in a deliberate manner for the specified duration.

Dare: Put on a blindfold and try to draw a picture of yourself.

The participant must wear a blindfold and attempt to draw a self-portrait.

Dare: Do a somersault in the grass.

The participant must perform a somersault in the grass.

Dare: Put peanut butter on your nose and leave it there for 5 minutes.

The participant must apply peanut butter to their nose and keep it there for the specified duration.

Funny Truth Questions

Funny Truth Questions

If you wish to create a laughter riot in the course of the game, then keep a whole lot of funny truths and dare questions in stock. The hilarious truth questions you ask your mom will compel everyone in the room to burst into peals of laughter.

‘Have you ever peed in the swimming pool?’, “When was the last time you picked someone’s pocket?’ The list goes on! Check the space below for a list of funny truth questions.

Have you ever eaten something from the floor, even if the “five-second rule” didn’t apply?

Yes, I have!

Have you ever pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t understand just to fit in?

Guilty as charged!

Have you ever accidentally walked into a glass door or window?

Yes, unfortunately.

Have you ever danced like nobody was watching, only to realize someone was watching?

Absolutely, and it was quite embarrassing!

Have you ever tripped and fallen in public?

Yes, more times than I’d like to admit.

Have you ever had an embarrassing auto-correct fail in a text message?

Oh, definitely! Autocorrect can be quite unpredictable.

Have you ever laughed uncontrollably at an inappropriate time or place?

Yes, and it was so hard to stop!

Have you ever sung in the shower and suddenly realized someone else was in the bathroom?

Yes, it was an awkward moment.

Have you ever gotten stuck in a piece of furniture or an elevator?

Surprisingly, yes!

Have you ever accidentally spit while talking?

Sadly, yes. It happens.

Have you ever accidentally called someone by the wrong name?

Guilty as charged.

Have you ever laughed so hard that you snorted milk or another beverage out of your nose?

Thankfully, no!

Have you ever tried to open a push door by pulling it?

Yes, it happens to the best of us.

Have you ever had a hilarious misunderstanding because of a language barrier?

Definitely, and it led to some funny moments!

Have you ever walked into a glass wall thinking it was an open doorway?

Embarrassingly enough, yes.

Have you ever laughed so hard that you snorted?

Absolutely! It happens more often than I’d like to admit.

Have you ever had a funny reaction to anesthesia or medication?

Yes, I’ve said and done some silly things while under the influence.

Have you ever had a hilarious encounter with a wild animal?

Thankfully, no.

Have you ever laughed so hard that you couldn’t breathe properly?

Yes, it’s a sign of a good laugh!

Have you ever had a funny mishap while attempting a new dance move?

Definitely, and it ended up being a comedy routine!

Have you ever had a funny mix-up with identical twins or look-alikes?

Surprisingly, no!

Have you ever told a joke that nobody laughed at, but you found it hilarious?

Yes, it’s all part of being a jokester!

Funny Dare Questions

Funny Dare Questions

How would it be if you were asked to break an egg on your head? Did anyone ever tell you to moo like a cow or bark like a dog? Funny! Isn’t it?

Well, these questions sure are your hint to prepare funny dare questions for your mom and her gang. So, what are you waiting for? Get, set, and go.

Dare: Sing the alphabet backward as fast as you can.

Participant attempts to sing the alphabet backward, often resulting in laughter and mistakes.

Dare: Do your best impression of a chicken for one minute.

Participant flaps their arms and makes chicken noises while acting like a chicken.

Dare: Talk in a silly voice for the next 10 minutes.

Participant speaks in a funny or exaggerated voice, making conversation entertaining.

Dare: Dance like nobody’s watching for 30 seconds.

Participant dances freely and enthusiastically without any inhibition.

Dare: Wear your pants backward for the rest of the game.

Participant puts their pants on backward, creating a comical appearance.

Dare: Speak in rhyme for the next round.

Participant forms sentences that rhyme, adding a humorous twist to their speech.

Dare: Put on a funny hat and wear it for the next hour.

Participant wears a silly hat to lighten the mood and make others laugh.

Dare: Speak like a robot for the next five minutes.

Participant imitates a robot, using a monotone voice and robotic movements.

Dare: Try to juggle three random objects for 10 seconds.

Participant attempts to juggle three objects, which can lead to amusing drops and fumbles.

Dare: Do the chicken dance in a public place.

Participant performs the popular chicken dance in a public area, attracting attention and laughter.

Dare: Make a funny face and keep it for 30 seconds.

Participant contorts their face into a humorous expression, creating laughter among the group.

Dare: Speak with a mouthful of water for 20 seconds without spilling.

Participant tries to speak while holding water in their mouth, often resulting in funny sounds and potential spilling.

Dare: Wear mismatched socks for the rest of the game.

Participant puts on socks that don’t match, creating a funny and quirky look.

Dare: Put on a funny wig and wear it for the next round.

Participant wears a silly wig, changing their appearance and bringing humor to the game.

Dare: Hop on one leg while singing “Happy Birthday” to a random player.

Participant sings the birthday song while hopping on one leg, creating a funny and challenging task.

Dare: Do an interpretive dance to a random song for one minute.

Participant performs a spontaneous and exaggerated dance routine based on a randomly selected song.

Dare: Talk in a foreign accent for the next round.

Participant speaks in a fake accent, attempting to imitate a foreign language, which often leads to laughter.

Dare: Attempt to lick your nose with your tongue.

Participant tries to lick their nose using their tongue, a humorous and often futile task.

Dare: Make a funny face and take a selfie.

Participant makes a silly or exaggerated facial expression and takes a picture, capturing a funny moment.

Dare: Put a spoonful of hot sauce on your ice cream and eat it.

Participant adds spicy hot sauce to their ice cream and takes a bite, experiencing a funny combination of flavors.

Embarrassing Truth Questions

Embarrassing Truth Questions

Do you wish to spice up the game? Then, make sure to add cheesy truth-or-dare questions. ‘Did you ever eat at a restaurant but skipped paying the bill?’,

“Who’s the most annoying person in this room?’ What’s that one quality in Dad that annoys you the most?’ And the list of embarrassing questions goes on.

What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done in public?

Personal answer

Have you ever accidentally walked into the wrong restroom?

Personal answer

What is the most embarrassing nickname you’ve ever been given?

Personal answer

Have you ever had food stuck in your teeth without realizing it?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?

Personal answer

Have you ever farted in a public place and tried to blame it on someone else?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done to impress a crush?

Personal answer

Have you ever accidentally sent a text message to the wrong person?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing fashion trend you’ve ever followed?

Personal answer

Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction in public?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve said during a job interview?

Personal answer

Have you ever tripped and fallen in a public place?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while on a date?

Personal answer

Have you ever laughed at a joke but didn’t actually understand it?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while drunk?

Personal answer

Have you ever called someone by the wrong name during an important moment?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing song you secretly enjoy?

Personal answer

Have you ever walked into a glass door or window?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve posted on social media and regretted later?

Personal answer

Have you ever accidentally laughed at an inappropriate moment?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while sleepwalking?

Personal answer

Have you ever had a public speaking mishap or forgotten your lines during a presentation?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done during a job or school presentation?

Personal answer

Have you ever snorted while laughing?

Yes, I have.

What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while trying to impress someone you liked?

Personal answer

Embarrassing Dare Questions

Embarrassing Dare Questions

Who else would know your mom better than you? And you know what embarrasses her the most. You can ask those naughty things coming to your mind and pester her when asking truth or dare questions in front of her friends.

If your mom chooses the truth option, she will have to reveal whatever is asked of her with honesty. If she chooses to dare, she’ll be in a bigger soup.

`You may ask her something that she is not comfortable with. What could that be? Well, what if you ask her to smell the shoes of the player sitting to her left? That would put her in a dilemma, indeed.

How about asking her to act like a chicken for the next 30 seconds? That’ll be another mammoth task for her to do. Make sure while trying to add the fun element; you don’t go over the top. That could spoil the spirit of the game.

Sing your favorite song in a public place.

I belted out ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ at the mall food court.

Do the chicken dance in front of strangers.

I flapped my wings and did the chicken dance in the park.

Speak in a silly accent for the next hour.

I attempted a British accent and kept it up during lunch with my friends.

Ask a stranger for their autograph.

I approached a random person and asked for their autograph pretending they were a famous celebrity.

Wear your clothes backward for the rest of the day.

I showed up to work with my shirt on backward and had to explain it to everyone.

Call a random number and sing them a love song.

I dialed a random number and serenaded the person on the other end with a cheesy love song.

Dance like nobody’s watching in a crowded area.

I let loose and danced like crazy in the middle of a busy street.

Eat a spoonful of a condiment you dislike.

I grimaced as I ate a spoonful of mustard, even though I hate the taste.

Wear mismatched shoes in public.

I strutted around the shopping mall with one sneaker and one high-heel shoe.

Give a random stranger a piggyback ride.

I piggybacked a stranger for a short distance while they laughed and enjoyed the ride.

Knock on a neighbor’s door and ask if they have seen your pet unicorn.

I went up to a neighbor’s house and earnestly inquired about my missing pet unicorn.

Ask a cashier for a discount and give a silly reason why.

I asked for a discount at the grocery store because my pet goldfish had a birthday.

Sing the national anthem loudly in a public park.

I gathered everyone’s attention and proudly sang the national anthem in the park.

Wear a funny hat for the entire day.

I walked around all day wearing a giant, floppy clown hat.

Go up to a stranger and ask them to take a selfie with you.

I approached a stranger and convinced them to take a goofy selfie with me.

Walk backward everywhere you go for the next hour.

I clumsily walked backward while shopping in the mall, nearly bumping into people.

Stand up and give a dramatic monologue in a public place.

I found a spot in a crowded park and delivered an overly dramatic monologue to the amusement of onlookers.

Put on a blindfold and let someone feed you a mystery food.

I blindfolded myself and let my friend feed me a spoonful of something I couldn’t identify.

Do a silly dance at a busy intersection.

I boogied down and did a silly dance at a busy intersection while waiting for the light to change.”

Wear your clothes inside out for the rest of the day.

I accidentally wore my shirt inside out to work and only realized it halfway through the day.

Romantic Truth Questions

Romantic Truth Questions

The romantic questions could be a combination of crazy, funny, and embarrassing ones as well. If you’ve arranged a family party on your mom’s birthday or for any other special occasion, then truth-or-dare questions will work for sure.

If you’ve all the couples playing the game, then you may divide them into pairs. In that case, you would have to ask the question in a way that applies to both of them (the couple).

What was your first impression of me when we met?

Partner’s answer

What is your favorite memory of us together?

Partner’s answer

What do you think is the most attractive quality in a person?

Partner’s answer

What is the most romantic thing you have ever done for someone?

Partner’s answer

What is your idea of a perfect date night?

Partner’s answer

What is your favorite physical feature of mine?

Partner’s answer

How do you feel loved and appreciated in a relationship?

Partner’s answer

What is your favorite way to show affection?

Partner’s answer

What is one thing you wish we could do more of together?

Partner’s answer

What is your love language and how do you express it?

Partner’s answer

What is one romantic gesture you would like me to surprise you with?

Partner’s answer

What is your favorite love song and why does it resonate with you?

Partner’s answer

How do you envision our future together?

Partner’s answer

What is one thing you appreciate the most about our relationship?

Partner’s answer

What is your favorite thing about our intimacy?

Partner’s answer

How do you define a successful relationship?

Partner’s answer

What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received?

Partner’s answer

How do you handle conflicts in our relationship?

Partner’s answer

What is your favorite way to spend quality time together?

Partner’s answer

How do you feel about public displays of affection?

Partner’s answer

What is your love philosophy or belief about relationships?

Partner’s answer

What is your favorite romantic movie and why does it resonate with you?

Partner’s answer

How do you like to celebrate special occasions in our relationship?

Partner’s answer

What is your ultimate relationship goal?

Partner’s answer

Romantic Dare Questions

Romantic Dare Questions

If couples choose a dare, you could have a whole lot of to-dos for them to make sure that they have a whale of a time. Since you’ll have your mom and dad playing, make sure that the questions are funny but decent as well.

For instance, things like, ‘You have one full minute to scold dad, so go ahead” – won’t be bad, though. For more ideas on dare questions with a romantic touch, check the space below.

Dare: Write a love poem for your partner.

The answer will vary based on the creativity and writing skills of the person taking the dare.

Dare: Sing a romantic song to your partner.

The person taking the dare can choose a romantic song and sing it to their partner.

Dare: Give your partner a passionate kiss in a public place.

The person taking the dare should find a suitable public place and give their partner a passionate kiss.

Dare: Cook a romantic candlelit dinner for your partner.

The person taking the dare should plan and prepare a romantic candlelit dinner for their partner.

Dare: Write a heartfelt love letter to your partner and read it out loud to them.

The person taking the dare should write a sincere love letter and read it aloud to their partner.

Dare: Dance together under the stars.

The person taking the dare should find a romantic spot under the stars and dance with their partner.

Dare: Give your partner a sensual massage.

The person taking the dare should give their partner a relaxing and sensual massage.

Dare: Surprise your partner with breakfast in bed.

The person taking the dare should prepare and surprise their partner with a delicious breakfast in bed.

Dare: Plan a surprise date night for your partner.

The person taking the dare should plan a surprise date night, including activities and surprises, for their partner.

Dare: Write down 10 things you love about your partner and share them with them.

The person taking the dare should write down 10 things they love about their partner and share it with them.

Dare: Go for a romantic walk hand in hand.

The person taking the dare should take their partner for a romantic walk, holding hands throughout the walk.

Dare: Give your partner a romantic foot massage.

The person taking the dare should give their partner a soothing and romantic foot massage.

Dare: Watch a romantic movie and cuddle together.

The person taking the dare should choose a romantic movie and enjoy cuddling with their partner while watching it.

Dare: Take a couples’ dance class together.

The person taking the dare should sign up for a couples’ dance class and attend it with their partner.

Dare: Write and perform a love song for your partner.

The person taking the dare should write a personalized love song and perform it for their partner.

Dare: Have a picnic in a picturesque location.

The person taking the dare should plan a romantic picnic and choose a picturesque location for it.

Dare: Recreate your partner’s favorite romantic movie scene.

The person taking the dare should choose their partner’s favorite romantic movie scene and recreate it together.

Dare: Write love notes and hide them in unexpected places for your partner to find.

The person taking the dare should write small love notes and hide them in surprising spots for their partner to discover.

Dare: Take a couples’ spa day and enjoy relaxing treatments together.

The person taking the dare should book a couples’ spa day and indulge in relaxing treatments together.

Dare: Have a candlelit bubble bath together.

The person taking the dare should set up a romantic ambiance with candles and enjoy a bubble bath together.

Dare: Surprise your partner with tickets to a romantic getaway.

The person taking the dare should plan a surprise romantic getaway and surprise their partner with the tickets.


Hope your mom enjoys every bit of the surprise you have planned for her on her special day. If you haven’t got the chance to know your mom to the fullest, then games like truth or dare would be the best way to bond with her. In fact, it’ll be a kind of ice-breaker. Besides interesting games, don’t miss out on her favorite treats. You could perhaps cook her choicest meal for the occasion and make her elated.

While I sign off, here’s wishing you “Happy Bonding!” with your mom. Wishing both of you good health as well.

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