Songs That Mean More to Me Since I Became a Mom

Songs That Mean More to Me Since I Became a Mom

It’s true what they say that when you become a mom, you become more emotional. Maybe it’s the hormones, but a lot of it may be contributed to the completely new life that being a mom brings. For one, you see moms in a different light that you are one, too. You learn to appreciate all the hard work, sacrifices, and triumphs that make up motherhood and parenting. For me, some songs began to have meaning in my life since becoming a mom.

Mothers have always been appreciated in many ways over from the beginning of time. Music is another aspect of art that does not hold back in showing mothers how much they are loved and appreciated.

You can definitely relate more to these songs now that you are a mom too. Don’t worry, we won’t judge if you shed a tear or two (or more sob!).  Click NEXT for those songs!

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What Does It Mean to be a Father? A Tribute to Our Dearest Fathers

What Does It Mean to be a Father A Tribute to Our Dearest Fathers

Father’s Day is commemorated every month of June and at this time, we show respect and honor to our dearly beloved Fathers. Biological or not, the fathers whom we have known since we were kids have been part of our being. We grow as they grow. And as they get older, they become more remarkable, no matter their ways.

Each of us is raised differently from one another by a Father; someone, whom regardless of kinship or gender, stood courageously to fulfill the responsibilities of one.

Let me start this entry with these questions:

What is a Father? Who is he? What does he do?

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What Moms Need to Pack for a Beach Trip with Kids

What Moms Need to Pack for a Beach Trip with Kids

After much debate and soul-searching, you decided to leave your house and bring the entire gang (gasp!) of kids to the beach. You figure the change of scenery will give you a much needed fresh take on life. As a mom, the priority when it comes to packing is always the kids. If only there was a way to shrink your house into purse-size so that you have access to all of your stuff! Alas, we need to make do with the traditional way of selecting what needs to be packed and what can be left behind.

Don’t panic! Yes, there are some things you CAN leave behind. So before you start pulling your hair out, here is a list of the essentials to bring when going on a beach trip:

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Am I Pregnant? 6 Obvious Early Signs of Pregnancy

Early Signs of Pregnancy

That could be more than just a missed period!

Let’s face it, a missed period is the most apparent sign of pregnancy. For those who have a regular menstrual cycle, this may be a lot helpful but how about those with irregular periods?  A woman’s body goes through tons of hormonal changes during pregnancy and these also result in physical changes in one’s body.

If you know your body well, you may immediately notice these early signs of pregnancy which may indicate that a baby growing inside you. Remember these may be beneficial as they may be noticed even before one misses her period.

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8 Great Books For Parents to Be

Books For Parents to Be

Whether you are still planning or already expecting, it is always best to have references. It is advised that you read to succeed. Educating yourself is the best way to be prepared. For mothers, for fathers, and from pregnancy to childbirth, here are 8 books that you may want to get a hold of and nourish from.


Before Your Pregnancy: A 90-Day Guide for Couples on How to Prepare for a Healthy Conception by Amy Ogle, Lisa Mazzullo and Mary D’Alton

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Tech Tips To Help Keep Your Kids Safe Online

Tech Tips To Help Keep Your Kids Safe Online

These days, we can no longer prevent our kids from being online.  We let our little ones watch their favorite cartoons online. We let our kids do their research work online. We also let them connect with their friends online. The internet is a network of networks where anything and everything may be seen. The first thing as parents that we should be concerned about is how to keep our kids safe online.

Here are Some Tips:

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